Adding in Barley

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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2014
Each feeding he's gets...12lbs Southern States 13% show calf bagged feed, 8oz SureChamp, 4oz Show Bloom, 1lb dry whole shell corn cooked. (Weighs approx 3.5-4lbs cooked) pad of hay and now adding in barley and corn oil. This steer was a replacement for one we had to get rid of. He was a little light on his weight hence the reason for cooking corn originally and getting him up on feed. I would like to replace the cooked corn for Barley. Would be much easier and I hear the finish (cover) is better and smoother. Wanting to know what the equivalency would be in Barley to what I'm feeding in corn.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
I have found that Barley does put a nicer/ smoother finish on them than corn.  I never decreased the corn in the ration, just added a little more barley.  If you are wanting/needing to add cover quick, I would use Stablized Rice Bran.  It lays down a nice smooth cover failry quickly.  I get mine at Tractor Supply - sold as a horse supplement - about $22 for a bag, but you don't need but 1-2 lbs./day.  Start out slow to avoid runs.  If calf gets runny, back off and slowly increase.  I've used the rice bran for several years now and have been very satisfied with the results.


New member
Jan 24, 2015
I fed cooked barley to a steer that was a very picky eater on top of a finisher. The barley seemed to keep him fuller looking which helped come showtime. Also, taking out the corn from his diet will keep his core temperature down and promoting hair growth. But, if you live up north that may not be as big of a factor as it was for me in Florida.