adding rib shape?

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Well-known member
May 5, 2019
Hey yall, so I have this angus heifer and I like her tons. However I believe she needs more rib shape and she has a bit of a chunky front end. I was thinking of putting her on fresh and feminine and hoping that might help with the front end. . I just don't know what I can give her for more rib shape. She is on 2 scoops of rival and 1 scoop cottonseed. She is plenty fat. just needs for mass and fill.
And ofc more hair. I was also thinking of buying some haired up. Do yall have any good heifer safe hair supplements? I know rinsing and blowing and all that is important. She is also under fans and in dark during the day. and I am working hair and washing a lot. Just wanted to know some good hair supplements as well that could help out. I know she is an angus but I would like to get a little more hair on her.
Thank you all!


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2015
I like to give steers cotton seed hulls, but I like to give them all the hay they can manage as well.  That definitely helps.  For hair, try SHAG.  I like it more than Hide and Hair.  Fresh and Femine (from what I understand, never used it) is supposed to help trim up the brisket area and target fat in certain areas.  Purina Fitters Edge is the real deal when it comes to blooming one up also.  I would cut or reduce the energy in your ration and pile on the protein if shes fat enough.  Believe it or not, Mane and Tail shampoo, then a treatment with Mane and Tail Conditioner with apple cider vinegar brushed in and left to sit in for 5 minutes does wonders too.  Good Luck


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2010
I'd go with products more like Umbarger's coboom, winning fill, Show-rite's rite fiber, Ultra Full, etc.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
haygrazer / sorgum sudan etc

throw all those products in the trash and utilize feed stuffs.    Put her on a bale of sudan free choice and watch her midsection "appear" to double in size.  Balancing this with getting enough energy in her ration to keep her fat is the challenging part.  Corn, a a textured finisher, and a sudan type forage will get you much closer to accomplishing your goals than any product will.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2015
-XBAR- said:
haygrazer / sorgum sudan etc

throw all those products in the trash and utilize feed stuffs.    Put her on a bale of sudan free choice and watch her midsection "appear" to double in size.  Balancing this with getting enough energy in her ration to keep her fat is the challenging part.  Corn, a a textured finisher, and a sudan type forage will get you much closer to accomplishing your goals than any product will.


I use cottonseed hulls a lot


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
I agree with using feed stuff products. It puts you more in control of your ration IMO. Depending on where you are located will somewhat determine what you have available to you. I use the basic AAOK ration to start out with and then tweak it for my own goals. I usually feed both CSH & Beet Pulp. I personally think Beet Pulp will work as well as any other product to fill one out and expand rib shape.


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
I could always drop the belly feeding free choice grass hay.  The problem is they are can still be empty looking in the "triangle" from the last rib to the hooks and down.  Making this part look full on show day was always a challenge for us.


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2019
GoWyo said:
I could always drop the belly feeding free choice grass hay.  The problem is they are can still be empty looking in the "triangle" from the last rib to the hooks and down.  Making this part look full on show day was always a challenge for us.

Your not the only one who struggles to get one to fill out in that area!!  ::)


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2012
These threads are great.  Lots of different ways that people go about it.

One person will throw every high priced supplement and feed that you can stuff down one. 
The next person sticks with basic ration.
Then you get people in the middle.

I am not making fun of anyone, it is just interesting how different things work for different people.

I have never been much for fancy and expensive feeds.  I will however go after what may be in those feeds added to a basic ration.

For us, the base component of every ration is Precon.  They would start on 100% Precon, and scale back to no less than 35% Precon.  Then when they are fat, we would start increasing the Precon percentage until they would maintain.  Sometimes we would feed steers 90% Precon for their last 60 days. 

The only supplement I was a believer in was Fresh & Feminine.  For whatever reason, we seemed to keep the front ends trimmed down on that stuff, even an over aged steer.

Always remember, the cooler the ration, the better they grow hair.

Good luck.


Well-known member
May 5, 2019
Thank you all for the responses! much appreciated. I think i might put her on a joint supplement as well. Maybe lubrisyn? She DOES NOT pop. She is just a a little stiff/ straight in her pasterns.