We are calving some cows this past week in northern Iowa. It's cold and we have a calving pen inside that we have used in the past that is decent size. Typically we get them in there calve them and kick them back out in a couple days depending on the weather. With the weather being so cold we calved one yesterday and kept her and her calf in. We also had another that is was 6 days over come in tonight. Watched her calve on the camera, licked the calf off calf got up pretty quick. Then the other cow started hitting the new calf repetedly. Was not home, but go there within the hour. Anyone else have this happen where another cow basically tries to kill a newborn calf of another cow?
Calf seems fine. Not about to kick new calves out into -18 weather. Other cow is outside now.
Calf seems fine. Not about to kick new calves out into -18 weather. Other cow is outside now.