The most critical time for a tech as far as the semen is concerned is the time from the tank to the uterus. Different times of the year make it more susceptible to damage such as very cold or hot weather. I like to have the tank as close as possible to the chute. I have a method that I use always, regardless of the time of year. I put the straw in the bath water @ 93 to 98 degrees F, I prefer 93 degrees B/C then I can keep the semen gradusually warming. After I put it in the water I have my box cked over b4 but I go grab the gun and vigorously rub a paper towel back and forth across the gun and also pull the plunger and do the same thing with it. This serves to get the AI gun warmed up so as not to shock sperm cells. In the summer I am careful not to lay the gun in the sun b/c it will get too hot, but try to rub your AI gun causing friction and then feel it. You will understand what I am talking about and will figure out how much time and pressure to apply while doing this. once we pull the straw out of the water we wipe it once down quickly and give it 1 shake down to get as much semen down below the cut off pt. clip it & load the gun. If someone is helping, I then have them either put it under their shirt and coat or protect it with a towel, but the quicker I can get the end of that gun in the cow, the better I like it. My instructor was a man from Atchison, Ks. by the name of Warren Gates. He used to work for ABS and was a great teacher