Alcohol mixed with Junior shows, 4-H, FFA, etc, etc,....not cattle related

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Is it OK for 4H leaders, state breed association parents, chaperones to drink in front of children?

  • Never

    Votes: 47 58.8%
  • Depends on if they share with the kids

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • Depends on who they are

    Votes: 4 5.0%
  • Depends on if they get caught

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Everyone does it

    Votes: 25 31.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
fermentation was a way to purify water and preserve it as river water etc made people sick.

it is thought the trenches around stonehenge were to make beer and cider as they have found by products of beer in the trenches.

egyptians drank beer.

other cultures spit into a community spit bowl and made a fermented drink.

johnny appleseed planted apples from seeds, thus losing the qualities of the tree.  most of the old famous american apples were selections from orchards planted from his seeds, red, golden delicious macintosh etc.  before, they were used to make cider, till people drank too much of it and it became annoying that so many people were drunk all the tmie.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
From an anthroplogist view I have read marajuana was found in 3,000 year old mummy remains. Also somebody supposedly took a sample from a Egyptian vessel and discovered a beer type and recreated it.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2008
I think SHOW HEIFERS answer is probably right...however

The fact remains going to Stock Shows is a social thing, and what do most like to do when getting together socially?  Have a few drinks.  Many times going to the majors is the only vacation families get. 

At our county no drinking is allowed in the show barn --so some of the guys drink out on the grounds.  Us women and Mom's don't drink (that I know of) cause we're too busy working in the kitchen and tending to the kids!  Our sale again no drinking.  We have a pretty good program here at our local level.  There are a few though that are going to have a few drinks and as far as I know it never has gotten out of hand.  Personally we try and be discreet about it, and most of our friends do the same.  Moderation is the key to everything.

Its never going to be a perfect world...
I wish I had a better answer of what to do with all the alcoholics that can't control themselves... but don't think it applies to all of us.

I'm not voting cause I'm not sure of any of the choices...


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2009
Flintoft,Saskatchewan, Canada
Think I'd have to agree with the point that if it as youth event it has no place.  I liked the point about drinking at a school play, you don't see that.  I didn't see it at any other 4-H organized and sponsored deals, just at the shows.  It didn't seem to sit right with me as a teenager to see parents drinking at these events - my parents didn't.  I did drink my share,  and quit a few years back, guess what I can still go to a cattle show and enjoy it as a social event just as much as I did when I still drank - maybe more so as I know exactly what has taken place the whole time I was there.
The junior events are supposed to be for exactly that the junior's it is up to "adults" to set the example for them.  These are in theory a learning experience is that the type of thing we should be striving to teach them?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Steer Boy 101 said:
what the difference if the kids see it on TV or in a restraunt?

in a restaurant, it's a shock.  on TV, it's incremental desensitization.

the reason things keep getting worse and worse is because of the infatuation with instant gratification.  with each new high of stupidity, you need more and more stupidity just to get high and rationalize your behavior.  then, since the change is incremental, it's difficult to see the distance you traveled, and when you get a wakeup call, it's usually pretty bad.  just ask cheetah.  it's not that he's a bad person, it's addictive behavior with no reference for authority, consequences etc.

carl s.

Well-known member
Sep 12, 2009
If you people are so concerned with what your kids are exposed to, what they heck are you letting them show cattle for?

I love it but nothing I learned as a kid that would qualify as "good" came from stock shows.  After "cheaters sometimes win", "it doesn't matter what the truth is, what matters is what breed the calf looks like", and "lazy and stupid people can win as long as their parents are rich or steer jocks", drinking was pretty low on the totem pole of bad lessons.