An interesting cattle sale experience - What would you do.

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2008
Just a few days ago I logged online with the intentions of bidding on a bull or two. The bulls were about a dozen lots after the start of the auction. After six lots the auctioneer had either sold the animal and had to go back and open it up a few bids back or got who bought the lot wrong. He also sold a few lots that had active bids from the internet but just told them sorry. To many glitches for them to be just glitches.

I determined the bulls could go to someone else and logged off.


Active member
Mar 6, 2007
Central Illinois
Here is my experience in regards to your post.  I bought a heifer at a club calf auction and after my successfull  bid I went back to the barn to look at the heifer and to
my surprise the herdsman was leading her to the trailer.  I asked what he was doing as I had just purchased the heifer.  He told me his boss couldn't sell her at that
price.  He then asked me if I would be willing to buy her for their asking price.  I went and got the sale management and they told him that the heifer was mine.  When
the auctioneer says sold it is a legal contract.  I took the heifer home!