There might be bettter bulls out there for some herds than Net Worth ,maybe i'm forgetting what other people need , but for my herd the 4200's have put more meat, bone, guts and more fleshing or easy keeping ability in my herd with some extra size ,with no calving problems ...My cows proably compared to one of the big herds that I see sometimes are small .. My biggest cow fits on there bottom end of size , the SCOTLAND bulls won't work for me cause they are to small, they need those ton cows some guys have ....Different climate and regions also dictate what we need in our herd ....Some herds proably don't have the kinda disposition to mix with 4200.
The other thing is the ones that I have raised every one wants to buy ,an I sure need that ....makes hard to keep those heifers in the herd ....