The angus assoc have been collecting data for as long as any breed out there. But what KIND of data? REAL, HONEST data? All the data in the world is useless unless it is true and accurate. I have used a bull or two that have been "proven" yet not popular (you know, those bulls that 2-5 herds have used for several years and turned in data) and when the general population starts using him, the numbers change DRAMATICLY.
Now, I am not saying people lied to hype the bull.....but......just calling a duck a duck.
That being said....any information is useful if used in a common sense fashion. In my neck of the woods, bull buyers still like low BW bulls, but once explained the difference between BW and calving ease, they would be flexiable. Change never comes overnight.... I think to ignore either eye appeal OR EPD's is a bit short sited.
I have a limi bull that throws big calves. Usually 85-110 pounds. Yet those things slide out like hot jello and on stove! And had to help my neighbor pull a 72 pound calf, and a 80 pounder out of COWS. Square peg and round hole just doesn't work.
Am I 100% sold on EPD's? No. Am I sold 100% on pretty show cattle? No. I want pretty cattle that do well in my environment, that are born unassisted (don't care about weight), grow like weeds, and make me MONEY!!! But of course, I have been accused of being a bit odd too!!!! (clapping)