I also agree with the horse issue. I drive by 2 horses everyday, the one looks to be older and is thin, but this winter I was to the point that I thought I needed to call animal welfare. The horses were like skeletons.
The other issue we have in this part is that in order to maintain your "ag" status you have to 1. Raise a crop 2. Graise cattle sheep or goats on your property. It is every ones dream to be a "rancher" and raise a cow, well they do not know how to properly care for that cow, so I have seen skeleton thin cattle that are eating yucca plants because the rest of the 35 acres is nothing but dirt, to a cow that had the biggest cancer eye I have ever seen. The cancer eye cow, I drove by for a month until I could not take it any more, it was so badly infected that I could see the puss running down her face with me on the road and her way in the pasture, it was bloody, covered in flys, I would imagine worms, maggots etc. AND I swear to you that the cancer had grown so big that it was as long as a 6 yr old childs arm. The welfare people finally visited them and they had the cow destroyed.
Running dogs is another problem that happens on a much to often basis. Mrs. Smith just swears that fido would not hurt a fly, well fido was in with my show cattle one night and cost me a big vet bill. On a side note, I have chased Fido down the county road with the bumper of my car on his tail. My husband talked to the owners AGAIN and I think that they gave the dog away. People move out here and thing that they can let their dogs (and kids) run lose. They just do not understand that roaming dogs do get into trouble they will chase livestock and can take down a calf, which costs us alot of money. It is sad.