When I picked up the "Marley and Me" book and read the cover, I thought--alright, I'll give it a try. I am usually your who did it, murder and/or mystery, or out of the ordinary type book person. I know you probably have to be a dog lover and raised a few in order to get this book but wow, it was really good. I laughed and laughed. And when my 6 month old min pin ate a chunk out of our drywall yesterday, I even kept my temper in check thinking of Marley. When she did it again today, I was so even keeled. ANYWAY, thank you for the book review, I thoroughly enjoyed it. And I cried at the end-of course. What does Knabe have you reading--something I can plod through too? Book reviews always welcome here. We are always the odd balls at shows, my three girls love reading too, and after we get set-up out come the books. So if you see an old chick with three young chicks reading furiously between classes, that will us. javascript:void(0);