Any Interest in Semen and/ or Frozen Embryos?

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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2010
SW Iowa
I looked to see if this could be in the classifieds, but there is no classified section. 

Anyone interested in:
Shorthorn Semen:  Lead Outside the Box  #4162691  Embryo calf by Leader 21st and Shadybrook cow.
Semen is free to anyone that would like some to try in their Shorthorns or cross on your other breeds.  I have used all that I am going to and would really like someone to get some use out of it.  No strings attached.  I have daughters in my herd that are good cows, just not breeding this direction anymore. 

Nothing wrong with any of the semen -- DNA testing done, and stored at reputation facilities.
If you are interested-- contact me here - if you would like to arrange for semen -- all shipping, etc. will be at your expense. 

Thank you!

Barry Farms

Well-known member
Jan 21, 2013
North East MO
How do you sell your frozen embryos? I just produced some for the first time and my cow produced more than I want.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2010
SW Iowa
When I first did my embryos-- I mostly had the intention of using them myself to keep my Sugar cow line in the herd going, but at that time I did have a website and offered them for sale there and also did put some in a couple of shorthorn state sales-- Iowa and Illinois.  I will be honest-- the Iowa sale was a bust, but when sold in Illinois- they did pretty good.  After that I just kept them thinking that I would use them, but now the storage expense is adding up and I am not taking any time to sync cows to implant, etc.  I have moved back to a totally commercial herd-- I turn out bulls and the cows have to take care of themselves..  I don't put anymore labor into my herd than necessary--- the cows do literally take care of themselves most of the year-- I just make sure they have water, feed for winter, supplements and their wellness check each year.  I am to the point where I have them pretty hands off for calving too-- I like coming home from my town job and looking out and seeing new babies up and around by themselves- I just do my nightly check, but mostly the cows do all the work.  EF


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
From previous experience, so one could crossbreed them with Maines, red angus, whatever the flavor of the month is.

The real answer is for genetic diversity because we don’t know what we don’t know.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
He may be needed for some un for seen project like "grass fattened" or something.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2014
Shorthorns4us said:
I looked to see if this could be in the classifieds, but there is no classified section. 

Anyone interested in:
Shorthorn Semen:  Lead Outside the Box  #4162691  Embryo calf by Leader 21st and Shadybrook cow.
Semen is free to anyone that would like some to try in their Shorthorns or cross on your other breeds.  I have used all that I am going to and would really like someone to get some use out of it.  No strings attached.  I have daughters in my herd that are good cows, just not breeding this direction anymore. 

I would like to know more about the bull.  Frame score, color, disposition things that a pedigree may not tell.

Nothing wrong with any of the semen -- DNA testing done, and stored at reputation facilities.
If you are interested-- contact me here - if you would like to arrange for semen -- all shipping, etc. will be at your expense. 

Thank you!