Any riots or civil unrest yet? NC

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I think that now.........since the liberal main stream media didn't get their gun laws advocated through........they are out to destroy a gun owner........Zimmerman. The media has a second chance to get back at the 2nd ammendment people. They couldn't push their agenda through.....they are ticked off.......and somebody is gonna pay know. They have the power to publically crucify zimmi and they will do it.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2013
Where was the outrage when OJ was found innocent?
Where was the media when white elderly man was killed by 4 black teens because "he was white".?
Where is the outrage when the many black people are killed by another black person?

I guess I have to conclude that many black people are like many Muslims... the "good ones" are too afraid of the "bad ones" to speak up, therefore, each are being controlled by the extremist, and that is not the white peoples fault. It is there own because they are too weak to stand up for themselves.



Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
PDJ said:
Hmm,  a lot to think about in this case.  Ultimately, I believe the jury reached the only verdict they could in this situation.  And I have no doubt George Zimmerman was in fear of losing his life.  My problem with what happened comes into to play before the actual fight.  George Zimmerman was on neighborhood WATCH!  He had already contacted authorities, and was told to return to his car.  If he had done that, he could have WATCHED as his title suggested, without any physical altercation, and the police could have done their jobs.  Just my $0.02.
I agree. Zimmerman should have followed instructions. I know there have been times and situations where walking alone in a city has made me uncomfortable.  I wouldn't have appreciated being followed by Zimmerman :-\


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2010
I'm not saying anyone's feelings are right or wrong. I like earlier posts think that the problem never would have reached the point it did had he not got out of his car. This being said I believe once it got to that point he was defending his self. My biggest problem lies in what the young man not boy was being looked at as. He is being looked at as a young innocent boy walking home like Beaver Cleaver. He has a very riddled past of drugs theft graffiti so on and so on. This doesn't mean that he was doing anything at the time but sure leaves me to wonder. I'm sure it was covered at some point but I would be interested to know how direct of a path point a to point b was. If he was going out of a reasonable path to get home then I would question his intentions.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
cebwtx said:
I'm not saying anyone's feelings are right or wrong. I like earlier posts think that the problem never would have reached the point it did had he not got out of his car. This being said I believe once it got to that point he was defending his self. My biggest problem lies in what the young man not boy was being looked at as. He is being looked at as a young innocent boy walking home like Beaver Cleaver. He has a very riddled past of drugs theft graffiti so on and so on. This doesn't mean that he was doing anything at the time but sure leaves me to wonder. I'm sure it was covered at some point but I would be interested to know how direct of a path point a to point b was. If he was going out of a reasonable path to get home then I would question his intentions.
You mean one isn't free to walk anywhere they please in public in the US? One must go directly from ones errand straight home or be suspected of criminal activity! What happened to innocent until proven guilty, this kid was guilty by anticipation. Sounds like a police state in the making.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2010
Yes as awful as it might seem to some profiling happens everyday. It's nature not just human nature. A bear walking through a field or woods maybe meaning no harm but anything that could be harmed by it goes on alert. I'm guilty of it and anyone who says they're not are lying to themselves. I could be be mugged by a clean cut man wearing a three piece suit yes but I can't recall hearing a story of this happening. I'm not comparing the situation of discussion but I live in texas. If someone happens upon my place "by accident" and they are on my property but walking on it heading straight to the next road I'm highly unlikely to be concerned. But if they walk across my land by way of my storage building or home I'm likely to become suspicious of their actions. In texas you have a right to protect your property by force. If I use force it is going to be something that they're not going to be able to retaliate from.

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
Im sorry but if Trevon had just told Zimmerman that he lived right down the street and he was just walking home I bet he would of got a ride home instead of shot.  Instead he decides that violence is the way to go.  Sorry but I believe that Zimmerman did what he had to do.  I would love to see the phone records of what the police actually said to Zimmerman from what I had been hearing he was never told to stay in the car.  The police told him that they didn't need him to approach Trevon.  To me that's a little different than "stay in the car"  Zimmerman was doing what his neighbors trusted him to do and that was to help keep the neighborhood safe.  Trevon was a punk kid that had a temper and problem with using violence to solve his problems.  The second he got on top of Zimmerman and was punching him over and over and slamming his head into the concrete it went from assault to assault with a deadly weapon.  I would even bet that if Trevon had been caught in the act of what he was doing he would have been arrested and charged with up attempted murder.  At least assault with a deadly weapon. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:

even jesse jackson is scared of black people.

In Chicago he said, "There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery -- then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.

but i guess it's only ok for non-whites to profile.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
martin had liver damage consistent with "lean" abuse in an otherwise healthy "child".

lean is a cocktail of cough syrup, skittles, and fruit juice cocktail.

this makes a cocktail with Promethazine and Codeine

side effects of lean is extreme physical aggression and paranoia.

Lean slows you down. It makes you feel good. It’s meant to be sipped on, and it taste damn good. One of the best feelings you will ever experience. Euphoria with a hint of sedation. …”

Lean is also the drug mixture that killed Pimp C.

DXM” is an abbreviation for the cough suppressant Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide — which is the active ingredient in the cough-syrup brand Robitussin.

DXM causes physical and psychological effects that may be frightening or unpleasant… Psychological effects can include profound disorientation, depression, a feeling of personal disintegration, or a feeling of “unreality” and disconnection that may persist for days. Chronic use may cause depression, psychological dependency, and possibly brain damage. Large doses may be associated with psychotic breaks…

In answer to the question “What’s the DXM Trip Like” the author says:

“Well, that depends on how much you take. There are four different kinds of experiences, based on the dosage; these are called plateaus.

The first plateau is a mild stimulant effect with a little bit of a buzz, and has been compared to MDA [a more psychedelic cousin of MDMA -aka-"Ecstasy"].

The second plateau is more intoxicating and has been compared to being drunk and stoned at the same time.

The third plateau is dissociative, like a lower dose of ketamine.

The fourth plateau is fully dissociative like a higher dose of ketamine.

You should not [emphasis original!] attempt higher plateau doses unless you have someone with you who can take care of you in case you get sick or freak out. It happens on DXM.”


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
What's your point!? It's pretty common at least around here-dont know of anyone that's become violent bc of it!? You know, the common symptoms - "happy, hungry, sleepy." 

Where he starts talking about "I've had it b4" - this kids a rookie at best.  That's just not the wordage of someone that has a past in distribution. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
He had become enough of an expert to have liver damage and brain damage revealed through autopsy. 

I guess i can buy the depressant line, but people on alcohol act different.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
-XBAR- said:
What's your point!? It's pretty common at least around here-dont know of anyone that's become violent bc of it!? You know, the common symptoms - "happy, hungry, sleepy." 

Where he starts talking about "I've had it b4" - this kids a rookie at best.  That's just not the wordage of someone that has a past in distribution.

The point is, that these facts for the most part are not known by the common public. The mainstream media sure didn't make it common knowledge. Some of the facts that you did hear about , now make more sense.
You almost sound like you are ok with people using that cocktail because it is used so commonly around you.
It sure don't sound like the common symptoms would be "happy, hungry, sleepy".


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
Where he starts talking about "I've had it b4" - this kids a rookie at best.  That's just not the wordage of someone that has a past in distribution.



Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
So any kid that has used drugs or alcohol (drunk driving is one of the biggest causes of death) would be fair game to follow or stalk? You will need to hire a bunch more pseudo police to keep them all off the street. It also seems these pseudo police have a much lower standard than the real police to follow when they target someone. (and all those drunk or drugged up kids will not be black, they might just be country kids doing what kids do)  :eek:


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
Okotoks said:
So any kid that has used drugs or alcohol (drunk driving is one of the biggest causes of death) would be fair game to follow or stalk? You will need to hire a bunch more pseudo police to keep them all off the street. It also seems these pseudo police have a much lower standard than the real police to follow when they target someone. (and all those drunk or drugged up kids will not be black, they might just be country kids doing what kids do)  :eek:

If they are drunk or doped up, yea I don't have a problem with someone following them. Who cares if they are black, white ,yellow or purple. City or country, it doesn't matter. Saying they may just be country kids doing what kids do is painting with a very broad stroke. I know a lot of kids , city and country that don't do drugs or drink. You almost sound like you are excusing kids for doing something illegal.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
Doc said:
Okotoks said:
So any kid that has used drugs or alcohol (drunk driving is one of the biggest causes of death) would be fair game to follow or stalk? You will need to hire a bunch more pseudo police to keep them all off the street. It also seems these pseudo police have a much lower standard than the real police to follow when they target someone. (and all those drunk or drugged up kids will not be black, they might just be country kids doing what kids do)  :eek:

If they are drunk or doped up, yea I don't have a problem with someone following them. Who cares if they are black, white ,yellow or purple. City or country, it doesn't matter. Saying they may just be country kids doing what kids do is painting with a very broad stroke. I know a lot of kids , city and country that don't do drugs or drink. You almost sound like you are excusing kids for doing something illegal.
On the contrary, I know too many people killed by drunk teenage drivers and drunk drivers in general. I also know a lot of people who have driven drunk and should not be expect to be followed by wanna be cops when they are driving sober. (I have a lot of respect for bonafide cops, my brother was one) As far as I'm concerned you people seem pretty willing to give up your freedom, but probably not so much if you ended up being targeted. Country kids driving drunk result in a lot of deaths, I was just pointing out that you should be careful who you give authority to, freedom is easily lost in todays world!


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2009
knabe said:

Here's some hard hitting journalism on the effects of "Marihuana"...if only the defense and/or media would have presented this as evidence Zimmerman would be even more not-guilty. Reefer Madness (1938)

What do George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, and Trayvon Martin have in common?  They were all recreational drug users.  If only there were more hero Zimmerman's out there to rid the world of this evilness  ::)