If low numbers in a show deserve an *, then there should have been one on many of the shows for the past 10-20 years. Pick up the old magazines and scan the various state fair show reports. For most of them, numbers don't come close to comparing to what there used to be. I would think the main reason is that at least in our area of the country, nobody has ANY livestock any more. In the 12 miles from our farm to I-35 I can tell you what each and every farmstead had for livestock 30 years ago. Now, other than our cattle, there are only 2 llamas at one place. Period. In our square mile, 4 farmsteads no longer exist. We do have a significant number of "neighbors" that farm well over 10,000 acres, though. 30 years ago a huge number of the loans processed at our bank were for farmers buying feeder pigs to feed out. Now, I would bet you would have to drive 20 miles any direction to find 1 person taking care of their own hogs. Tons of corporate owned confinement hog facilities, though. Most of them built close to anyone's home other than the "owner." I do enjoy it when folks of my generation stop by our stalls at the fair and remember when with me.