My daughter's show heifer has come up injured. When the heifer walks on soft ground, I really can't see anything wrong with how she walks. As soon as she walks on hard ground, she walks on the front tip of her back left foot. She never sets it flat. She has never done anything like this and this heifer is structurally sound. I keep wondering if she slipped out in the pasture due to all the snow and ice we have had lately or if she got stepped on while laying down in the walk-in-cooler. I took her to the vet and he seems to think she has a stifle injury. I found a person that specializes in high voltage pulsed electro magnetic frequency therapy and she came out Sunday and treated her. She also thinks she sustained some type of injury to either her stifle or hip due to how inflamed the muscles were. I have a chiropractor coming out tomorrow to look at her. We only have 10 days until we load her up for OYE and she is one that has a chance to win her class and breed if she walks like normal. Anyone else experience this before? If so, what was the diagnosis?