peachy said:
Fescue is like beer- it's only good when it's cold <beer>
Thats a good one!!!
I run cows on pasture that is primarily fescue year round.
Like everything else it is good and bad. when its young and vegetative its great. if it matures and it is Ky 31 it is infected with a symbiotic fungus called an endophyte. This endophye helps the grass be so vigorous and healthy. It also causes bad things in cattle. Worst of all is it raises the body temp of a cow about 1-2 degrees and it will cause cows to abort. it also thickens the blood and causes Fescue Foot. cows get very lame and loose weight. they eat less endophye level drops lameness goes away and they start to eat more again causing the cycle to start over again. Also since the grass will cause stress in cattle it leads to increased rates of pinkeye esp in the summer. We have found that feeding a mineral with TASCO helps alot with all of these problems. It lowers the body temps. If you don't feed it cows will seek out water to stand in. creeks ponds whatever they can find.
I haive found that cattle not rasied on it have a hard time adapting to it. FEscue is great feed in the winter . the frost on the grass changes the sugars in the grass and it causes teh endophyte to loose its poison and cows get fat as mud in teh fall on it