Anyone use Facebook to advertise their herd?

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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
I don't know how many people do this but I started it on May 31 and maybe worked 10 minutes on it. Then yesterday I finished it in 30 minutes. Most of the time was waiting on pictures to download. It's free public forum and free advertising is a good thing in my book. I'm not sure if just anyone can view it or if you have to join so I will post the link and see if it works. Any comments if it does work arw appreciated good or bad.!/pages/Centerburg-OH/Trevor-Grey-Cattle-Company/115767681780115?ajaxpipe=1&__a=4


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
TG Complete is a 3/4 shorthorn 1/4 red angus. He is currently at a commercial herd on lease but will be for sale after July. He is looking good right now and continues to gain weight while running with 25 cows. His sire is a Durham Red from Leveldale. A Cherokee canyon on the Missie Ruth cow that has done so well for Les. His dam is Lakeside Clementine, a Javelin on Sue's Clementine cow. Thanks Linnettjane!


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
I use it to sell jewelry. Works well for me. I know people that have used it as an outlet to get some show heifers gone, not really promoting their herd. Photo albums and captions can help a person out! Good luck with it and get as many fans as possible. You won't believe how many people talk about what they see on there. Good luck!

DCC show cattle

Well-known member
Mar 1, 2010
Caldwell, Tx
I dont promote my herd as we dont have a large enough volume or run purebreds but i personally have sold about 10 calves off of facebook this past year. Ill add ya and take a look around mine.

DCC show cattle

Well-known member
Mar 1, 2010
Caldwell, Tx
well i liked it you set it up as a promotion type deal when i did mine i just set up a private and started puttin my calves in a seperate album like stated earlier find kevin doonan in your likes add me and then when i get a chance ill add ya and you can look at how i set my albums up


Well-known member
Mar 9, 2009
Facebook is a great way to promote your farm and cattle, it's free and lots of people are doing it. Just remember if you are going to set something up create a page not a group or profile, you'll get more visibility. Also, it is a same as a website you have to keep it updated or no one will visit it. Updates should be at least once a week if not more. They don't always have to be about cows, but more about what you are doing. Cows are headed out to pasture, just finished, we are headed to a show this weekend, etc.

You might check out some of the other Association pages that have been put up like the American Angus Association (, National Junior Angus Association and National Junior Hereford Association.



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Rhome, TX
I like Facebook, and we do use it to promote our cattle.  Facebook to me is an even better tool for promoting yourself.  It brings a personality and realness to a name.  Even the big time people have more to them and their life than their cattle.  They to are going to softball games, getting together with friends, or taking a day off.  A great example for me is Crystal with Creative Cattle.  I read her blogs, get her tweets, and see her status updates.  It feels like I do know her, yet I have never met her.

My advice is to use Facebook to promote your cattle and your sales, put cattle pictures up on your wall, but also put up stuff that shows you as a person.  And do be careful of what you do put up.  What you write is what people will see as your moral character, your honesty, and your values.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Thanks everyone. Pretty neat deal really. Just published it yesterday and got 28 fans already lol. Im like the Jefferson's........ Well we're movin on up, to the sky, we finally got our piece of the pie! Loved that show as a kid!! (pop)

I thought it was a good way instead of paying someone to build your website and maintain it, you could just direct traffic in your print ads to your facebook page to see more pics and the like. Good idea on not just puttin up cattle but all your activities. Give me something to fool around with once a week or so. <beer>


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
trevorgreycattleco said:
TG Complete is a 3/4 shorthorn 1/4 red angus. He is currently at a commercial herd on lease but will be for sale after July. He is looking good right now and continues to gain weight while running with 25 cows. His sire is a Durham Red from Leveldale. A Cherokee canyon on the Missie Ruth cow that has done so well for Les. His dam is Lakeside Clementine, a Javelin on Sue's Clementine cow. Thanks Linnettjane!
Got any rear/scrotal/feet pics for us to view? Both "Sneed" and "Complete", are the GaryBob type!



Well-known member
Mar 9, 2009
Follow this link to create a page. You want to make an official page, not a community page.

Also, something that I encourage groups is to allow people to see what you are posting and the comments from other at the same time. To do this click the little spoke wheel that is under the status bar and then choose view "your page name" + others. You will get a lot more interaction this way.

And be sure to leave status updates, as to what is going on at your farm, just like you update your own personal facebook page status.



Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
For my work page, the Oklahoma Wheat Commission, I put the facebook logo on our website and on my e-mail signature. We have gotten more people since I did that than I thought we would. I know some of our board members don't think it is helping/working, but for wheat harvest it has been a great tool. I spend too much time in a basement office to know what the weather is like or to get out and about. I have enjoyed being able to get producer perspective's! It is open to one and all to share information, but please be nice <party>