Politics happen... Sometimes to a level to be considered cheating, but I don't consider things like having "the right" person on the stick (in an open show) cheating (is there a rule written or implied that an owner must personally show their animal? ).
Another thing to consider about "knowing the judge"... There are judges I like to show under because I know the kind of cattle they use. Chances are, if I can get along under them it's because we like the same kind of cattle, so yeah, they're prob'ly going to get along pretty well under me, too. Case in point - I sold a steer last year that I was always confident would get along under one of the judges at one of the majors. Not because this judge had seen the calf before, or knew the young lady showing him or that I had sold him, but because I've known for years the kind of cattle he raises and shows and picks when he judges. Sure enough he was breed champion. I'll go out of my way to show under this guy, not because he "takes care of me" but because I know what he likes, and I've prob'ly got something he'll like, because that's what I like, too. That's not cheating, but somebody's prob'ly going to say it is, just because a particular exhibitor or breeder consistently wins under a particular judge.
I wish the "pool" we select judges from was bigger, at every level, but it's hard to use somebody that's not at least somewhat of a known quantity. Even if we don't completely agree with that group, we know what to expect from them. Outside of the "pool", who knows?
Now couple that with the group of breeders/exhibitors that consistently have good cattle, present them well, and know what it takes to win this show, under this judge... It takes you back to the same group of people winning under the same judges, and someone else is always going to be unhappy about that.
Bottom line - Do I think shows are fixed? Yeah, I'm sure it happens, but I'd say most of the time judges call 'em as they see 'em, and most of those complaining about it are looking for excuses as to why they got beat.
Of course just 'cause they call 'em how they see 'em doesn't mean they see 'em very well either...