Yes, Ryan, I'm sure you can give a shot with the best of them, and that you're smart enough to read the label instructions.
I've been involved in veterinary medicine since before you were born. I know and understand the pathophysiology of disease, modes of action and pharmacokinetics of the drugs, indications and contraindications, as well as undesirable interactions and outcomes...among other things. Do you?
I left practice nearly 25 years ago; loved food animal practice, but don't miss any of it.
I'm not a fan of the FDA; they don't mandate me to be a middleman, and I'm not a 'legalized pusher', as I don't sell or prescribe (but I could if I were so inclined); I only provide services and information, with no direct charge to the consumer.
Whether or not you agree with FDA (or IRS, for that matter) regulations doesn't matter. They are the law, and a veterinarian can find themselves on the hook for the misuse of animal drugs by clients, if they don't adhere to the requirements as set out in AMDUCA.
Misuse, abuse, and unnecessary use of drugs/antibiotics, resulting in meat/milk residues gives everyone in food animal production a black eye. I'd like to see less of that.