Beef cow feeding viability

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New member
Nov 12, 2013
Hello everyone, i am researching on line for answers as to whether year round beef cow feeding would be viable. In our southern semi arid region pastures are scarce but crop residue feed is abundant. Anyone out there with experience and knowledge on this?


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Not only do I think it's viable, I think it's (unfortunately) the way of the future.  All other production ag has gone to a confinement system.  I think beef cattle will also follow.  Wonder how much energy cattle use (potentially waste)  foraging for their daily nutrients? How much energy is consumed that, because of the indigestibility of it, is wasted?  There's a herd of cows at the University of Illinois that have been confined like this for generations.  They were expressing some odd behaviors - like twirling their tongues in the air  ??? .  The only explanation given was that this was in response to not being able to graze.  I walked away not knowing the actual cause but, overall, the cattle appeared healthy.  I don't care for this practice, or any isolation/confinement system for that matter, but in the name of making a few extra dollars, I can see wide-scale implementation not too far out. 


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2009
southwestern Kansas
although it is not my choice I have been feeding cows with a friend of mine for a couple of years... he has a mixer truck and we have straw ,hay etc ground.. this year we have silage...  we use distillers heavily

hopefully distillers will drop in price and Hay prices also.. we are really struggling with hay prices as that is a big part of our costs

we have been able to get our cows to stalks about 3-4 months after preg checking but they have been in the lot the remainder

our costs have been about 2.50- 2.75per day in the lot and about 1.00 to 1.25 on stalks just for feed

It is kinda nice to calve in the lot as it makes them easy to watch but disease is a real problem we hope to get groups of new calves and Dams out to less confined areas if possible this spring.. would really like to figure a way to go to grass after breeding and before stalks but haven't been able to make that happen yet

dust and respiratory problems are the real deal... haven't noticed the tongue motion described above