In an earlier post I ranted some about the genetic base diminishing in the US as far as semen being available to commercial or small breeders-not just the rich boys club,who for the most part dont rely on the cattle for thier main source of income either. John Sullivan in IOWA obviously is an exception-and has produced more good cattle in a short time span then Ive seen maybe in any breed. Perhaps there will be a trickle down effect where a GENUINE calving ease bull goes to a breeder who wants to see x-breds that arent just black.In the meantime most of the wound up Trump Rose Trump Rose deals look great,show great,but are in reality,under VERY LIMITED USE. Guess Ill forget about having purebred cattle to show for awhile and concentrate on usefullness,which ultimately means using commercially oriented bulls that arent showy-but wait-(there is more,bring out the ginsu cutlery)the Canadian cattle have improved so much in the areas of BWS ,calving ease etc. that between them,and alot of good cattle in other breeds-that: have moved FRANKLY-way ahead of the broken record cattle:-THAT I DONT NEED THEM.Let em dwindle,into 3-4 circles of syndication where they sire 100 calves a yearbetween them, Ill just use something else.-If you look at the Sire Summary-HANDS DOWN,the bulls with the most registrations-not to mention out of breed use-are clubby.I guess Im gonna fall somewhere in between. O0