Believe In Me Prospect Steer for Tulsa/KC- Undecided on showing or selling him

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
Update: just learned and confirmed it through family that raised the calf, that the red steer discussed in the thread is a Believe In Me not a Monopoly. Sorry for confusion.

This past year my 2 children that are old enough to show have been working and showing 5 calves. After talking things over with my wife and kids, they would like to have less calves to work on this year.  Everyone wants a little more free time this summer to go to the lake, travel etc....  We currently have one spring born steer (red steer sired by Believe In Me, born March 2013) that can be shown at either Tulsa or Kansas City and two fall borns waiting in the pasture for us to bring them home.  I think our red Believe In Me March 2013 prospect steer is a good steer and is getting better everyday but kids seem more interested in the babies coming in than this steer. If things don't change, I might sell him so kids have less to work on this summer but I think he is one we would regret selling.  I would like to get some other people's thought on our Believe In Me steer. The pics I have attached are pics taken back in November when I bought the calf. I will try to post newer photos but right now, these pics are all I got.


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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2012
Sell Him!! my kids!

That thing is crane necked if I have EVER seen it!

Great looking steer.  I would keep him.  You know what you have, and he isn't going to change nearly as much as the fall born calves will.  You already own him, and I would consider him much less of a risk.

With that in mind, you can darn sure get bruised up in KC!  That is one nasty snake pit to try to win at!

We have had too many in the past, and it is a LOT of work.

He is certainly good enough to keep based upon what I can see in the pictures.



Well-known member
Dec 14, 2009
Ruskin, MN
He looks very good in my opinion.  Too good to sell, but letting the kids decide what they want to show and have fun it is worth a lot also.  Should be able to get good money for him.  MN deadline is Feb 15, weigh ins are sooner.  Too good for my checkbook probably.  Good luck with whatever you decide.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
Tallcool1 and hevmando. Thanks for commenting and liking the calf. Your comments make this decision even harder. I will talk to my wife and kids again about keeping him. If they all go against me, I probably will only have one choice and that is sell him.  Until I make my final decision (if weather and kids homework allows it) I will try to get my kids to spend more time with him and get him ready for our upcoming district show in three weeks.  If the steer does well there, I think I can get them excited about showing him.  If I end up putting him up for sale, I will update this post and then put him for sale on the steer planet classifieds.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
I like that calf a bunch but if you are not willing to nearly live with him and treat him like an athlete then he will get beat. Especially Tulsa and the Royal. You have to put your blood, sweat, and heart into those calves. Even when they are that good. It is about early and late hours, pushing and maximizing.

You may want to find a good home for him through Bonham or Arthor to name a couple. That is only if you cannot get the family excited in the task ahead.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
Well, the family is all for selling the steer. if your interested in him, please go to the classifieds section of steer planet. Also, if you sent me a PM, I am going to reply to everyone and ask you to do the same to see two more pictures, my phone number and price.

Jive Turkey

Well-known member
Aug 14, 2008
Already sell him?

See he is no longer listed in the "classifieds" section.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
No I haven't sold him. After working on him this past weekend, I realized how much work he still requires, not halter broke enough and decided to take him off the market.  I just don't want anyone to get themselves in a situation we were in this past year, buy a show calf that was not showable.  I am not saying this calf will not be showable, just saying he isn't showable at this time.  We really thought he was going to be easy to break due to the way he acted at the place we bought him.  Part of it is probably our fault, we haven't worked with him the past month due to a remodel and focusing on our OYE steers.  I am wondering if him being alone is causing him to act like he has never had a halter on before.  I plan on putting him with another one of our show calves and working them together.  Maybe that will help me calm him down a little faster.