Haven't seen those pix yet. The good females can compete well against most other pure breeds.
Steers are often too small when finished ( around 1100 pounds) to compete for Grand. Bulls tend to mature more slowly and may not have the mass of some other breeds.
I chose Belties because the folks who raise them tend to be more laid back and proud of the breed's origin and history. Birthdates and pedigrees are accurate. With most of them, it's not all about winning, it is about giving others an opportunity. It is common for breeders in many states to lease or loan out heifers to kids to expose them to cattle and showing. One breeder from Maine sent 8 kids from their 4-H club and heifers to Louisville(I believe these numbers to be accurate).
Beltie breeders also have a free semen program to kids who wish to upgrade their herds. (one of many nice things for juniors). I am developing a May 12 bull calf now that I will offer as part of the program. With this one, however, kids can get as much as they want to use on Belties OR other females. No semen certificates either. This is the bull calf shown above. He is growthy and correctly designed with good bone. The pix above were taken within a week of weaning so he was real green. Gonna try him on a couple of cows in June. He should be old enough to collect next fall so semen will be available for kids then.
I know a number of folks have thought about buying some Belties. Now is a good time as I know of a number of cows and breds for sale right now here in IL-MO.