JSAR Titan is a great purebred angus bull that would be a easy calving bull plus give you a good growing calf and he would produce pb steers that would impress you.
Lemar Dakota Gold from Genex is sure bet calving ease angus bull, and he will add a lot of body, muscle and growth, plus he will help improve structure problems. People that use him keep using him, to me that says alot! Good Luck with your heifer!
I have an angus/simmy heifer that I'm going to AI this summer/fall for the first time too. She turned a year old early april. I'm breeding her to Brilliance.
I believe a nice PB bull like Bismarck or Final Product as a first calf. I used Final Product on my simmi heifer and she calfed unassisted. The calf was small but shes getting big fast! If you're wanting to go showy, you could used Dameron First Class. I don't know his numbers for calving ease or BW however. He did very well in the show ring a few years ago and his calves look great IMO. I agree not to go clubby because you never know what you'll get yourself into. I don't know how her calves will look anyway.. She needs a deep, soggy-bodied bull and a very well structured bull. I don't think she would be the best heifer to base your herd off of but she could produce some decent looking steers.