There is aDOCUMENTED 83 pound tiger woods shorthorn selling as a bull in Sept from NCK 21 enclosed is a picture in 107 degree heat last month.-He comes from 20 plus years of a maternal bull producing cow family including:1: Byland Explosian-exprted to Australia in 1991-sired MANY100s of cattle,. 2:UB Kamalla-used in Maryland for years3: Ub Dexter-a very underated bull by CSF Dextro used by a backwoods farm in Kansas-they paid $3300 for him as a 6 month old in 1994-and let him die of hoofrot-MORONS 4:UB DTR Junior Walker-still in use AI-10 first second place hiefers and 3 different hiefer calf champs-Iowa,Nebraska Kansas state fairs and at the 1999 National Jr show,He ONLY SIRED 1 CALF CROP.Grandsire to the currant 2nd high points SHORTHORN PLUS FEMALE behind a $30000 Sullivan deal,-DTR Taffeta.The Tiger Woods pictured is 1/2,hes good,and he is certainly one of the VERY FEW LLEGITIMATE LOW BW BULLS EVER-by TW.Trust me-its from his dam.The roan hiefer is a maternal sib (tank) who went to Texas-she had a full sib that did well in Ohio at Jackpots too. O0