I don't know anything about the show ring. Been around cattle all my 60 years, but never took a 'judging' class. I'm a commercial producer from the get-go; know what I like and need, don't care a whit what some judge thinks is 'the thing'. Leather, hair, freaky neck extension, open shoulder... I don't know or breed for more or less of any of those... just pounds across the scale, good mamas that milk enough to raise a decent calf and breed back... and if I can get marbling/ribeye/tenderness in the same package... so much the better.
But, I'm also aware that my choices may not be what gbf228 needs or wants.
Look at that WS All In W111 bull again - 16.9 CE/0.6 BW, 81 WW/112 YW.
Yes, they're just 'numbers', but my experience with him indicated that they hold up pretty well. Calving ease and performance. Has he got leather and front end?... you can look and make your own decision. I don't care. I got what I wanted from him. Would use him again if I was breeding for red.
Other red SM bulls I'd use if I could... WS Beef Maker R13, WS Beef King W107, RFS Red Iron, Hooks Yukon 80Y... most with pretty decent CE and good WW/YW... and good carcass traits to boot. But... market here wants black, so we're pushing back toward the dark side again(though I'm still using some of the Shorthorn semen in our tank on select cows, most are going to black/black baldy SM sires).