Biblical timeline

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2008
TJ, I was not implying that the second coming was right around the corner. I don't , nor any of us, know when that will be. Only God knows.

Elbee, You are right. The Rapture is the correct word rather than second coming. I was generalizing and should have remembered that there are some very versed christian students on here!! Thanks

My Point is not to get into a religious debate...just wanted to let people know that NOW is the time to Get Right with THE Man.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
" All scripture is GOD breathed ... " I am a Christian and believe what God's Word says. There's really not middle ground or riding the fence.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2009
SW Oklahoma
Here's another interesting sidenote:

Does anybody else have a long list of questions racing through their head to ask when they get to Heaven?  I do.

I wanna ask Jesus why things couldn't have been a fuzz different & he could've been married.  It sure would've been handy to have had a savior who lived a perfect life while being married..... not trying to be funny, just wondering.  Seems pretty tough sometimes.

I'd also love to ask Peter what he was really aiming for when he whacked off the guard's ear in the garden that night.

I'd ask Mary and Joseph both how they explained things & what went through their minds individually when Jesus was conceived.

I'd really like to talk to elijah about his bout with the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel & about his sweet chariot ride at the end of his life.

I'd like to quiz Jesus about turning the water into wine, just so I could go back into my baptist church on Sunday (I ain't throwing rocks, I love my church) & tell em that it was actually WINE.

I'd love to sit with David and ask him about what his relationship with Bathsheba was like, after they lost the baby.

Lots and lots and lots of things still go through my head after reading the Bible.  I can't wait to find out all the answers one of these days, but until then it's enough (read: faith of a child) to accept the things that I don't know the answers to.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Blue Rapids, Kansas
My question will be; could we get John Calvin and Jacob Arminius in the same room with Paul, and have Jesus moderate a debate!? Oh! and I'd like to have John the Baptist be bailiff.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Thanks AAOK. I have heard that the 10 commandments were broke off at the bottom. The 11th one was,Thou shall not lie about BWTS or birth dates on show cattle. I'm not sure about the source though. Geology is pretty cool in the way different soil layers are laid down. We have wind blown loess which was thought to have been ground up under glaciers and then latter blown into Kansas here. I went to a seminar deal by the famous soil scientist Rolfe Mandel. He did a little demonstration. They dumped soil into a jar of soapy water. They shook it up. The first particles to settle was sand, A couple minutes later the silt settled out. The clay stayed suspended allmost all day. It was the last to settle out. In the jar you had three visable layers of soil just like you might see in a road cut. This demonstrated how wind or water might arrange soil layers. Here in Kansas the scientists say the wind blown loess here where I am was supposedly formed 19 to 30,000 thousands years ago. If you dig in a cutbank alot of times there will be a dark layer which the scientist's postulate a warm rainy period where organic material formed. Then there is the theory of the clovis comet. I know most people don't care but it is fascinating to me.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
I have no idea how anyone can see new birth whether it be a calf, a new flower, or a human baby, and not know that there was a Creator. How can you explain this in any other way? We may not understand it all and that is where faith comes into the picture. You have to simply believe in something and I choose to believe that God created and is in control. He has given man free will and that is where all the problems start. To believe that over time, we all evolved from some tadpole like slimy water creature that eventurally grew legs and eventually developed the ability to breath air into it's lungs is a much bigger jump in faith and it, simply makes absolutely no sense to me at all. Proof of a Creator God are all around us. It really isn't rocket science and it is the only thing that does make sense to me.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
I would have loved to have been in that Upper Room and the Last Supper as well as seen the look on Doubting Thomas' face when Jesus showed him those nail scarred hands and that pierced side.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Amimals evolve under natural selection.I think the bison occidentalis morphed into the bison, bison in order to survive the changing enviroment. But if you study the human eye,it is so complex and such a miracle it had to be created by god. Alot of doctors are very religious. I think they realize how complex the human body. I think the neaderthal man is a weird concept. As I understand it most scienctists don't think modern man came from the Neanderthal but were almost different species? Could they breed across species? Fun to ponder but hard to prove anything one way or another.


Well-known member
Mar 9, 2008
Greenfield OH
I'd ask big bang folks to riddle me this:

If you really believe that all this exists by chance, and that there is no God.....

Then you must admit that you believe that somewhere back the chain that something came from nothing - there is simply no way around it.

It's more rational to believe in God than spontaneous creation of matter or energy from absolutely nothing.


Well-known member
May 15, 2007
BRdoc said:
TJ, I was not implying that the second coming was right around the corner. I don't , nor any of us, know when that will be. Only God knows.

I know you weren't.  None of us know when.  I sure don't.  Only God.  I do think that the Great Tribulation & the Rapture could be soon, but it also could be a while too.   


Well-known member
May 15, 2007
shortdawg said:
" All scripture is GOD breathed ... " I am a Christian and believe what God's Word says. There's really not middle ground or riding the fence.



Well-known member
May 15, 2007
ELBEE said:
I wonder how the secular world will explain the Rapture?

Like yourself, I wonder about that myself...

2 Thessalonians 2:11... "For this reason, God will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie."

I don't know how they will explain it away, but they will.  They always find a way.  The ones who have rejected the truth & hardened their hearts are going to believe a big lie about the Rapture, I have no doubt.  Maybe their story will be that "Alien space craft beamed us up & took us away".  Maybe they will believe that some false god punished us & that we were vaporized or evaporated.  It will be interesting to see how they explain it away, but they most certainly will try, just like they have been for 1,000's of years.  The Lost have somehow found a way to explain away creation, the cross, Pentecost, Passover, the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah, the new birth, the miracles that Jesus did, the miracles that God did using Moses in Eygpt, the world wide flood, etc, etc, etc. & they started doing it shortly after those events happened too.  Those who reject the truth & continually reject the truth, get to a point and a place where they can not believe the truth.  That's going to be a sad reality for those people, but it happens.       


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Does anyone have a theory about how we may be interpeting the timeline of mans existence.The only thing I am questioning is man only being here 6,000 years. Science says at least 13,500. The soil layers supposedly also date mans artifacts on top of radio carbon dating. Is it a tiny bit possible that the 6,000 year deal is wrong? |I'm not saying that mans interpetation could be wrong. Men do science and men wrote the bible. I'm just torn between the timeline. The people that wrote the bible thought the earth was flat for instance. Would that make a difference in their interpetation of the world. In a book I read called "Bones" here lately the lady wrote about a European archeologist who went to South America. He was very religious. It ended up almost ruining his life cause he kept finding things that went against his beliefs. It tore him in half emotionally. The timeline of man is my only question. It is something that archeologists have to deal with. I know in are little Kansas group there are two ministers that are members.jmo


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
Well i wanted to leave this one alone, but i just couldn't, not when tj posts 4 times in a row, i gotta have a turn.  This is a little off the path, and i'm taking cover as i write it, but here goes.  This has been repeated to me several times from people i know and respect their lifestyles as well as myself.   IS THIS NOT TRUE.  Alot, not all, of the people who sit in the front row at church on Sunday are the ones that'll screw ya the other 6 days the worst, the same that boast of their knowledge of the bible and godly things.  Don't get me wrong, i go to church, have served on church boards.  But, my opinion is this, on judgement day the good lord is gonna have a place for that person who never sat in church a day in his life, was kind to all living things, and never screwed his neighbor.  And a few of the front row bible beaters are gonna have a surprise.   Just my honest opinion.........


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Shortdawg, I think God has a good sense of humor.

There's a good read about Einstein's thoughts on God.

My belief is that God is the maker of all things visible and invisible... Bang or no bang.

AJ, some people tell me I might have some Neanderthal DNA in my genetic make up. Can't wait until science proves that one. It will explain why I act the way I do.