HG. Don't worry about the troll. I think part of your mission is to reach out to cattle laymen who don't understand genomics. Most of my questions comments on grnomics are attempts to tee it up for you. At this point, I think people are sort of fed up with the genomics thing. The first markers were bogus like most firsts, the second round was bogus, they took away tools to introgress , survey individuals and introgress, then numbers were suspect and rightly or wrongly, to me the markers today are just a higher resolution parentage set with tracking of large segments of DNA with higher correlation to trait of interest. Yes we understand all the markers are low impact on an individual basis ie 1% or less and people question the return of testing especially for producers that try to buy cheap and sell higher and don't need cattle that are trying to get that extra 5%. They are more interested in something more tangible either in explanations or results or both and are leery of turning over their genetics to companies or the aaa. I don't think people trust the industry anymore.