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I had a question about a possible problem. Are cattle bloodtyped before shows like Denver? What happens if a bull wins the Shorthorn National champion bull.Syndicate shares are sold.Then its turns out that the bull was sired by say heatseeker. What happens on a deal like this? Or someone buys a bull(presented as a purebred shorthorn bull)....the buyer shows the bull...wins the championship....gets ready to sell semen yhen finds out the bull is sired by Heatseeker. What happens on this deal. Could a bull be typed back to an individual like heetseeker or would he just show foreign blood? I know that there was talk that there were like 7 red Maine Anjou bulls that bloodtyped ok as Shorthorns in the 1970's or what ever(no surprise since the orinal maines were related to Shorthons). What happens if the Champion purebred Simmental bull blood types one quarter Angus. Can they tell on a Simmental bull if the bull is 1-16ths Angus and then differientiate through blood typing it is 1-4 Angus? How about the Angus and Red Angus breed? I always wondered if th would show up in the red angus breed in some show bull cause of something like this. Is their a safegaurd in say the Red Angus breed that say test's a champion Red Angus breed bull for say th....to prevent a line of th Red Angus being developed and then having to clean up the mess later. Just seems like th is something every show breed needs to address to me. The same with the Herfords. How are the Herford looking Maine Anjous handled. Surely association baord members are aware of the potential th diaster in there breed. What are some of the famous cases of cattle being kicked out of herd books.