Breeding my Hereford/Maine Anjou heifer

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Aug 6, 2014
I have a Hereford/Maine Anjou heifer that turned a year old a few weeks ago. She has all Hereford markings except the white on the top of the neck. She has a Hereford head but everything else about her screams "I'm a Maine!" I am starting to consider bull options. Is there a certain breed that would throw an excellent calf? Would like to keep hair in case she throws a bull so I can show a steer. Would also really like another Black Baldy (who can't resist them lol) but any color would be fine. Just not sure as to what I want to breed her with. There are a lot of good Charolais  bulls around here that I have access to. Has anybody experienced a calf that would be Hereford, Maine, and Charolais?                      Thanks!  ;D


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2010
Chapin, Illinois
Select a bull with high accuracy for calving ease so you have
a live calf.  The dead ones are hard to sell.

Wait a couple years before breeding clubby.


Active member
Dec 17, 2013
I would use a proven bull with good  calving ease and birth weight epds. Study the bull's pedigree and avoid bulls with  bloodlines that have calving problems.  To avoid calving problems do not use big boned bulls. Most clubby bulls  don't have epds.  True Grit and 719T are Hereford bull that should work. Simmental bulls that could work are Uno Mass and  Gold Mine.    In my opinion a Simmental  may add birth wt. because you are adding another cross.  I have not studied other breeds enough to comment on them. You may give up a little quality in the calf. Just remember the most important thing is a live cow and calf. Use sexed semen because a heifer will weigh less than a bull.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2010
North Dakota
Moto Moto would work great on your heifer.  Easy calving, heifer calf would be great replacement, bull calf would have hair, bone, butt , and guts.



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    Moto Moto 2014 NWSS LC sm comp.jpg
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    Moto Moto 03-24-14.jpg
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Mark H

Well-known member
Nov 9, 2008
The maine cross cow used with a Charolais bull in the 1980's was a common cross in Alberta.  Out od red bulls you get a buckskin and out of blacks you get silvers and some buckskins from the red carriers.  Herford markings that hols on through 7/8s were common when graded up on purebred hereford cows back in the day.
If you want a BWF calf thr best bet is to use a good calving ease angus or Simmental (ULF Odin is a good choice).
The breed I would pick would have plenty to do with you experience and management available.  How closely are the cows watched?  what help is available immediately is problems occur?  Idf things are right some of the Charolais bulls available could work here.  What Charolais bulls do you have access to?  Would you use a red bull?
Aug 6, 2014
I own a Plyler Brothers Charolais bull and my cousin owns M6 and Deburker bulls(not exactly sure how to spell it but they're out of Montana) I have access to all. the heifer is about 100 yards front my front door and is worked with daily so she constantly has eyes on her. The vet is about 15-20 minutes away, he could possibly be there sooner.

Mark H

Well-known member
Nov 9, 2008
No breed available except a Hays Converter can be guranteed to give you a black whitefaced calf.  Hays Converters aren't show cattle and I havent seen one available in years on AI.  I have been thinking about this one.  The only real choices are simangus or simmy bulls:
Look at these bulls:
W/C Lockdown 206Z:
If you are experinced at calving out cows and the heifer is well grown out consider Dream Catcher:
Note that ULF Odin has better numbers for calving grwith and carcass than either of these bulls but he isn't whitefaced.
Still think about using a Charolais?