We aren't really sure what is wrong with her, we first noticed scrapes on the front of her pasterns and started watching her you could see every once in a while her back hoofs would just sort of pop over to the front, the vet treated her with a couple of things and by the end of the week it seemed to be worse, it would pop over and was almost like she had to take a moment to think about how to get her feet straightened back out to the front. We took her to K-State and they did a luekemia test and that was neg. did a spinal xray and it looked fine, they had her in the tank floating her for several days but it was more work for her to get in and out of the tank than they thought she was getting benefit from it. They sent her home and feel that it was somehow an injury from being jump the last time she was in heat and it is a nuerological thing but just can't pinpoint it. She at this point every once in a while will kind of go down in her back side and she is now holding her right leg with little or no pressure on it. He put us on a little different protocol, the cider goes in today and we flush on the 16th. I haven't made a decision yet on what to use, I think I'll get ahold of Don and find out what he thinks the chances for a good outcome are, I am sure she is under a huge amount of stress and I hate to waste really expense semen if he doesn't think she will stimulate well. Thanks you so much for all your suggestions.