Although nothing is guaranteed, I will tell that you we bred Simple Man to 4 first calf heifers last year( all club calf bred, 2 were Heatwaves) and we only assisted 1, not because of a big calf, cow did not try. All calves were born at less than 80 lbs and grew awesome. The amount of vigor these things had was amazing. Of the 4 SM calves that we had, we sold 2 for club calves( avg. $ 3100) and kept 2 for replacements. We kept a SM x our Yellow Dr. Who donor that is a freak, as well as a SM x WMW/Simmy. We are expecting 5 more SM calves this spring to start calving in the next couple of weeks. We bred him to 2 more Heatwave cows, a Friction/Chill Factor, a Heatseeker/Bring It On, and a Mercedes Benz/Heatwave. Based on last years experiance, I would breed him to anything that needs hair, body, and power. I would breed him to a more extreme made type of cow. If you have any questions about him, feel free to contact me or you can call Garrett Kalvig or Randy Goddard of Goddard Farms as they own him now. If you would like to see a picture of his mother, she is on our donors page at
Dave Vansickle