Bull Always With Same Cow

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2009
We have a cow, 10 years old, that was in heat in early Oct.  She was AI'ed in May, ran with the bull from mid-June to mid-July.  We waited 11 days, gave Lute, and turned the bull back in.  Her cycle dates would be Oct. 23, Nov. 13 and Dec. 4, give or take.  The bull has hardly left her side since putting him back in.  Have never seen him service her.  We'll probably preg test about Dec. 20 to check.  All the other cows are bred.  Is the bull just interested in her since she's the only one that has cycled?  Is she giving off any hormone scents that tells him she's still not bred?  I need to admit she was open this past year and we thought about sending her to town.  But she is a very good cow and didn't want to give her another chance.  That's why we went ahead and tried natural service knowing she's going to be out of sync with our spring calving program.  Any words of wisdom or encouragement?


I might have more questions than answers but I'll try to help. Did you ever preg check her after she was with the bull in July? I've seen where pregnant cows give false heats and like to stand and jump all the others. Sometimes the bull, depending on his experience and behavior, will follow a cow who is acting like they are in heat. I've seen a bull breed a pregnant cow several times actually. I know longer have those cows either...  ;) I have also seen a cow retain a pregnancy after getting a Lute shot.  All I can say at this point is that you will just have to preg check her and see what you have. Sorry I couldn't help more.


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2009
southwestern Kansas
I think she is open... had one of these this summer ... bull stayed with her for weeks... then she finally came in... she went to the sale barn...if you are trying to raise breeding heifers she should go... I wouldn't want to keep those genetics around... if you are raising steers then I can understand dinking around with her.....IF you think she is going to raise the next great one


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
McCook Ne.
You realy need to get her palpated soon, I am suspecting that she may have gone cystic for you -- they have the hormone Cystosterone if they are, and it is not unlike a perpetual in heat cow. Some of those don't always act like a bull when cystic, but will ride and carry on like no other.

If she was open last year as well, there is deffinately something wrong wit hthe whole deal. Palpation is the only real answer -- or a good unltrasound. Also, it is a small possibility that she may be carrying a mummy. She might have tried to abort the thing, but failed. It is a dead calf about the size of a cat, usually around 90-100 days old when it dies and fails to abort.

Check her out as soon as you can, some of these things get much worse over time, so the sooner the better. Best of luck to ya, but the odds are not in your favor here.



Well-known member
Jan 26, 2009
We preg. blood tested her the first of Nov. which was too soon for these recent bull breeding possibilities.  But we were doing the rest of the herd and thought we would check her out.  She tested open.  Everything else tested pregnant, of course this was 3 - 6 months after they could have been bred.  From observations during bull breeding and after, only one cow is bull bred with the rest AI, plus this questionable 10 yesr old.  She could be cystic but she is cycling on schedule.  I always thought cystics cycled all over the board.

I suppose I have two options.  1.  She is 10, which is not old, old, but she could be getting to the end of production.  So I let this play out and if she isn't bred, send her to town. Although she is a good, youthful cow and has produced some of our best.  2.  Get aggressive and give her a complete breeding soundness exam.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
under the X in Texas
Unless she is producing show calves that you can make some money off of I would preg check at if open send her to town.  IMO she has already put you behind by not having a calve and the expense of AI/preg checking.  I would replace her with a productive female.  I know this doesnt answer your question and your probably not looking for advice but just a thought.  G-Luck with whatever you do.