I raise reg. Angus & Charolais an have used some clubbys on my Charolais an a few Angus. But my best business proably is my Angus ,so I AM VERY INTERESTED IN THIS INFORMATION OF BREEDERS USING Angus bulls on crosssbred females aan getting horns , cause if they do have horns, it'svery posible vthat there are other problems out there. I forgot his name but THE one gentlemen who got ahead of the maine problem is what I hope to do if there is a problem, an I doubt if to many of my Angus friends want to talk about this,any help is greatly appreciated an I know some of this could be a rumor but I also know that there has been a drastic change in the Angus in the last forty yrears. Forty years ago the ANGUS BULLS SIRED NO HORNS CAUSE THEY ARE HOMYZGOUS POLLED. Excuse my typing an spelling errors.