Carlson, in order to correctly choose a bull for your program you are going to have to choose steers or heifers. There are very few bulls that will make both, not saying there aren't some but there are very few Monopoly is one as long as you breed him to the right cow. Same can be said for the cows you are breeding I actually have one cow, that wont ever make a steer, and another that wont ever make a heifer. I agree with not trying to get to complicated with your breeding but at the same time you have to use a bull that complements your cow. It's hard making those decisions sometimes because there are so many opinions given and every bull picture makes the bull look really good, but in the end you yourself have to go look at the cow and decide what does she need and breed her accordingly, we can sit here all day and throw bull name after bull name and you will keep switching your decision based upon us. Your original post just asked for bulls for power so that is what you got, when you ask for breeding opinions start with a picture of the cow, and what you are looking for in the end product and we can give our opinions accordingly.