Rocky Hill said:In our commercial herd since we got our current composite bull:
2006: all heifers
2007: 1 bull and the rest were heifers
2008: 50:50 bulls to heifers (at the beginning of the year, most were heifers and at the end most were bulls)
2009: so far, all bulls
That's an interesting pattern. At first we thought there might have been something wrong with him because he had so many heifers.
My simmental herd is new but so far both of the calves have been bulls.
Wright-Way Simmental said:I am pretty sure sex of calf is determined mainly by the sire may be wrong but i thought thats the way it is.
klintdog said:When you say timing of breeding - do you mean the order they're bred, or the time of the year they are bred?