I want to try HI HO silver, but am really afraid of using anything with alias in the pedigree. The only crips I have ever have had alias in the sire, it could be a wmw thing, but I wont try a bull again w alias, but loving the hi ho silvers im seeing online.
I have seen several HiHos that are a little straighter off their front ends. Is it to the point where they're not functional? No, I don't think so. Most of them will mature correctly and be competitive fat steers. As a breeder, I think the most important goal is to get SELLABLE calves. If a couple structural flaws come with it, I'm ok with The calves so long as the power in them matches structure and that they make up for it in other areas. None of my three are 100% flawless on feet and legs but I think they are highly sellable cattle that will still remain functional. Not the structural train wreck dinks that you can get with using direct Alias...