mab, unstoppable are my suggestions. These 2 are throwing some really good calves that are soft sided , deep bodied and super sound. I've also heard 2 tone is working well on the chars but I haven't seen but a few.
DON'T forget MY TURN & CARNAC.....THE MUDDY WATERS also work on PB CHAROLAIS and a lot of the calves you could sell as purebreds because they usually have the Charolais features ....GOOD COMBINATION TO RAISE PURE WHITE STEERS ....
Want to stay farrrr away from eye candy. Anybody seen a good number of MAB and 2tone? Really the 2 bulls I'm looking at. Planning on IVFing for bulls. Smilin Bob? I know monopoly works but looking for more bone and power. Lifeline and yellow jacket deals I like for females but the bulls I wouldn't want. She is a moderate cow, lots of red meat bone and foot. Just could use a tad of style. Thanks!
Heatwave. I am really surprised I have not seen this yet.
I know that anyone can pick apart any suggestions on this, and that is all fine. One guy says Eye Candy works great and three posts later someone else says stay away from Eye Candy!!!
Milkman is a Heatwave out of a purebred Charolais cow, and he darn sure looks the part.
Warrant is the clear deal on chars. Only problem is people aren't willing to cross the street to look at 50 warrants they want to drive across the state for 2 monops, or walks. If that deosnt bother you I would go on quality and use warrant.
STX108, he is. I've been RMB Cattle Co. for years, but Chris posted two calves being from Houska Show Cattle. RMB (our sons) are no longer involved in the operation, so Houska Cattle Co would be more fitting anyway. lol Maybe it's time for a change?
I know a lot of people like him, I just don't. I see him as a poor man's monopoly. For as much as he is used no steers ever do anything big. Don't want the Galloway in the herd also. Just makes them too plain I guess. In my eyes he is really overrated and overpriced. Just my opinion, like I said I know lots of people like him.
We have bigger framed high performance Char cows so what works for us may not suit everyone.
MAB - Only a couple out of chars this year, like them and using more for next year. Breeds like Monopoly
Two Tone - Not sure yet, they are stout but harder made at this point.
Monopoly - Yes
Heatwave - Sometimes. You can get a great one but have to weed thru some big horses and rat tails.
Walks/BIM - Haven't tried them on chars but have had dozens out of black cows. On our char cows I would be afraid of too much frame and problems with hair. They work good on our moderate framed black cows.
Lifeline - Might work for some people on Hoodoo type cows but did not work at all for us. They were huge framed and slick haired. Sold good by the pound but none made show steers.
Bojo - Had a couple pretty good ones but a bit too raw boned and stout. Chars will usually give you the bone and stoutness you just need to find something that will soften them up and add hair.
I will agree with you all the way until one point.... I dont believe you can lump WA and BIM together. They might be brothers but in my experience I dont believe they breed a lot alike. My experience with walks alone, they can get a tick smaller framed. I would use him on bigger made chars even ones that go back to old school french breeding with a hint of modern chars. I think if you want to go with that breeding go with BIM. He seems to pretty them up more than walks alone but I believe he doesnt add the power of walks! A breeder i work for flushed a mix flush to monopoly and smilin bob after a lot of thought. I kinda like those too. My advice is pay attention to what Polzin is flushing too. He knows what he is doing!