mark tenenbaum
Well-known member
I found this video of the Palermo show-in the worst possible conditions-this small group of Shorthorns are almost ideal in phenotype for commercially oriented cattle-I HAVE NOT SEEN A BETTER OVERALL GROUP OR LEAST TO WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO PRODUCE SINCE I GOT BACK IN SHORTHORNS IN 1990. From what i see-although they have been fed-THEY OBVIOUSLY HAVENT BEEN THROUGH THE TYPE OF PROGRAMS YOU SEE IN IOWA AND ELSEWHERE-WE NEED THESE GENETICS-EVEN THOUGH THE SHORTHORNS HERE IN THE US ARE RAPIDLY IMPROVING- THESE ARE THE BEST CONVENTIONAL UNADULTERATED GENETICS (EG NO LARGE outside influence for the few remaining purists) Ive seen anywhere on the web and Ive been all over the world The second place white bull approx 41:46 (the judge needs a seeing eye dog)is really my kind for blue roans incredible bone like I used to see in the 60s when I showed poneys- Last is a video of a good heifer breaking the bank at thier sa,e she was in the second class -REALLY GOOD NON CLUBBY HEIFER GOOD AS THEY COME UP HERE-LOVE THE WAY SHES MADE ALL THE KINGS MEN (KING SULLIVANS?) COULDNT IMPROVE HER-AND SHES A GEEENBEAN COMPARED TO BEING UP THERE O0