Jay.. I think you can count on I-80 to clean up fronts , supply that Maine square hip and probably downsize a little...
It is harder to answer your other questions regarding costs... most I-80's are not going to win a steer show unless the dam brings some extra muscling such as char, clubby etc.. I doubt many purebred mains or Maine simmi or angus crosses will win steer shows
on the other side I-80 purebreds and maternal crosses have been very good on the heifer side ...and I have experience that they are good milkers
When you say he downsizes, how much are we talking about? I'm thinking of options.
figure county fair steer prices for steers... probably 1500-2000 here... and I will have a few
figure 2500-4000 for heifers if you can get them from a small producer... 2x that at BBR, BPF,MCF etc