calf keeps falling down

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Dec 17, 2007
ham said:
I really don't think it's a trust issue- the calf doesn't have an ounce of meanness in him-  he's not scared of us at all, and enjoys being scratched/rubbed on.  It doesn't matter if you pull foward or sideways, maybe he's just stupid.  I will try the water thing and see how that goes.  Thanks for the advice.
Im pretty sure its not because he is just stupid.  I am sure a lot of people can agree with me here as well.  Ive halter broke dozens of calves, and have never run across a "stupid" one.  If he is standing with all 4 feet planted, and you stand about 5 feet away, perpendicular to his shoulder and pull on the halter with the strenght of one hand, does he "give" his head?