California looking at taking away FFA funding

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Inevitable consequence of consolidating power.

I cant think of a single incidence in human history where power was given back to more local representation without force.

As long as the government is suported by a defined benefit from an undefined source of income of diminishing return, an immediate debt relief is the correction. 

John kerry and obama agree. 

We give up local tax dollars at too high a percentage and have to beg for it back in the form of grants and other means,while that money is diluted to pay for lifetime benefits and prokects like the 100billion dollar bullet train that no one will ever use and whose construction is restricted to union contractors who only support the government and whose dues are mandatory.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2013
Your title says it all "CALIFORNIA".  That state is as anti-agriculture as any state in the union.  Those people voted for Arnold as their governor.
Let them drink wine and see how that works out for a "long sustainable life".



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
maybe ffa etc should look elsewhere for funding by engaging with people typically viewed as unfriendly towards ag and see if local companies will contribute as a lot of these companies are populated by people who want to help and they won't have the strings attached with government funding, nor probably all the paperwork and restrictions etc.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
BTDT, it is a shame that States get known by their big cities. Once you leave LA, SF, Santa Barbara, San Diego, Sacramento and get into the heart of the state it can be hard to tell what part of the country you are in, lots of hard working, down to earth people, who farm or work is directly related to farming. Nevada is the same, once you get away from Vegas, Reno or Tahoe, hardworking farmers all over that state.

You ever make it to California visit the Bishop area or any of the small towns along the old 395 corridor, you step back in time, with Mule Days, Opening day for trout season, Deer season. Everyone knows everyone at the local diner, lots and lots of old worn out Carhartts, and seed and feed company caps.

It just seems like more and more the schools get rid of programs that teach the kids a trade or prepares them for life.



Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
For the most part, these big cities are the ones that elected the current administration. So the administrations is using its power and funding to secure the status quo for its customer base , If you will. Its almost like ethnic cleansing in a political fashion IMO. What other programs are they looking to introduce to high schoolers in Cali is what I would like to know?? (pop)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
common core.

i don't have enough info on this, but it makes me a little uncomfortable for the federal government to impose yet another one-size fits all program with it's own bureaucracy of lifetime benefit people with minimal checks and balances.

"The bottom line is that the U.S. Department of Education badly wants national standards, but it is prohibited by law from influencing curriculum and instruction in the nation's schools.
So, a deal is struck. Gates pays to create the CCSS, and Arne Duncan uses the power of the federal purse to push states and districts to adopt them, then uses his bully pulpit to warn that the future of the nation is in peril unless these very standards are swiftly implemented. The problem is that all this happened so swiftly, and with so little public understanding, that the public is in the dark. A recent Gallup poll showed that most people never heard of the CCSS and had no idea what they were. Instead of taking a decade to build consensus, the Gates Foundation and the Department of Education plunged ahead. "