Calves Out of These Bulls... Please Give Opinions...

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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2009
Frederick, Maryland
List you pros and cons by  bulls name or number:

    1. HeatWave and Clones
    2. My Turn
    3. Monopoly
    4. SunSeeker
    5. Immortal
    6. Carnac
    7. Dirty Hairy

I'm looking for growth issues, disposition issues (smaller kids), Eat like a hog or picky bird eaters, How hard to get show broke to halter,Bloodlines of cows they work very well with or don't work to well with, Hairy Or not, Which ones would you use again either to breed cows to and / or buy another for a fat steer show.

I'll be looking for your input. sales tommorrow night, Sunday and for the next three weekends. Just wanted some helpfull input.


Show Steaks

Well-known member
Jul 13, 2008
Arion, Iowa
if i had to cull one from that group it would be immortal, have only seen one with a full switch on its tail and usually not very long spined. just not my type of bull


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2010
hey give me a call if you still want to come look at these steers and heifers. thanks derek

Dyer Show cattle

Well-known member
Sep 22, 2009
Indianola, IA
Well I have had sunseekers and my turns.

I have been using sunseeker for 3-4 years and every calf has had great hair from start to finish.  The best dispositions I have ever seen (all of my cows have ok to good dispositions themselves). Calves are broke after 2-3 days really well also eat like pigs.  And most of them I let my 6-8 year old neices and nephews lead around after a couple weeks with no problems. As for cows, we have used them on Charl. x with great results, Meyer 734 works great, and high precentage angus works really well. Just have to watch the front ends sometimes. This year I have the best one so far out of a Simm/Angus x cow (prob 25%simm 75% angus). Also have kept some heifers that calved this year to my simm bull and calves are really good and they are milking decent. I would like to see a little better bag on them but next year will really be able to tell if they are going to make great cows are not, mothering abilitly is great just might be lacking milking.

Had my first set of my turns this year and have had sunseekers in the past with the same cows. The my turns have not had as good of disposition. Had One broke to lead in about 3 days but still a little spooky, had another that has been tied for over a week and still not breaking to lead. They have all had a taller frame than the sunseekers. They looked about the same until around may/june then the my turns really kept shooting taller. I have tons of heifers this year and are going to keep some for cows. I think they look like they will be more fem bigger framed cows than my sunseekers. As far as eating I have 2 weaned right now and one is a pig and the other picks a little. Should be able to tell more when I get the other 4 heifers weaned and in the lot eating with the others. I just weaned the steers for now.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2008
I have no experience with Heat Wave or his sons because I consider them strictly terminal. If it is show steers that you want, it would seem hard to top old Heat Wave himself rather than one of his sons. So for me that leaves only 2 bulls from your list. On commercial cows, Sun Seeker is a no brainer.Good hair, good growth, reasonably good maternal, and above average style. If Sun Seeker has a fault, it would be soundness. He does not work well on clubby bred cows. On Angus or simmy cross cows he is hard to top. I have not cared for the My Turns that I have seen this year, and the Dirty Hairys are not consistant in my mind. Hope this helps a little.

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
I have a Heat Wave 6 clone heifer out of a Mossy Oak cow. She is being shown as a market heifer this year. She is thick stout and hair. Her mother has always calved unassisted. We had to jack this one out. 100#'s looked like a concrete block. Her disposition is like her mom's. Can have some temperment. She eats like a hog. Seems like you put feed in and she always wants more. We have a young showman working with her. She does alright in the ring. I knew the AI date on this one and new her due date and induced at 2 days over. I would use HW 6 again if I could get a steer that looks like her. But I would not allow a cow to go over.
We used Heat Seeker on a WHOxAngus cow. About 90#s at birth and pretty high strung. Her momma is always been high strung. A beginner showman started working with her and has her pretty calm. Tons of hair smaller framed. Not too bad of eater. Both the cows were bred for steers and we got heifers. We have a Dirty Hair heifer out of Mossy Oak cow as well. She is larger framed, not much hair gains weight just looking at feed. HOtter tempermant. She did alright once you got her to the ring.
We will have a My Turn hopefully in Feb.