Doc said:
In my experience Payday is not as true as a calving ease bull as some others out there. To me he throws too many outliers on the heavier bwt's. I have had real good success with Hot Commodity- they hit the ground with no problems but at about 2 weeks they seem to turn it on, KOLT Kane Nitro(Schrag owns him) solid white son of Lakeside Nitro that is calving ease but will still produce a marketable calf. I had a Renegade 124 calf this spring out of a heifer with no problems and the pair sold in our sale. She is super easy fleshing , lot of rib, just not real flashy,
Agree Doc- I have seen wide wide range on Payday. I have a very good friend that ditched the entire stock he had because of birth weights out of two jazz cows. Both cows were twins and had twins. Giant flatter made calves and the females were moderate with lots of capacity and depth. Neither female had any issue prior they were Gizmo x Jazz females.
Gizmo solid go to, but $$.
Touchdown worked for me
I am using red Maine registered 7/8's shorthorn out of calving ease lines that is clean for everything.
very blessed year and he hasn't thrown any larger scaled at 89#
So here is the balance- first calf heifer needs to produce live calf with ease and little dystocia. I believe in setting a female up for future fertility and productivity the first go around more so than getting a home run. We have had luck with good females and good bull choices. hate C-sections and females that are paralyzed. Research your females genetics when calculating the birthweights. Its a 50/50 deal sometimes. you could breed jersey but the female has history of consistent high bw and you will get a big one. We culled our last female two years ago. Kept her strictly for terminal calves. had one calf in her career under 100 lbs. no matter what bull we used on her. I don't have the health or the energy to pull or jack any more. so since you said you are starting out....start right.
What is the cow's history you are breeding? I have had some super calves out of that cross shorthorn bull on simmi females. one of our better calves this year is a simmi x shorthorn x maine.