Canadian truck convoy

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mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
knabe said:
russian population, 146 million.  active and reserve military, 3 million, so 2% of population.

russian oil and gas money pays military salaries.//// NOT FOR LONG IF HE INVADES- WHICH APPEARS TO IMMINENT

china, different, couch potato consumption by americans funds their military, and china quickly diversifying into africa, middle east.//// THEY NEED RAW MATERIALS TO GARNER OIL FOOD ETC WHEN THEIR CURRENCY BECOMES WORTHLESS-AND IF RUSSIA DOESNT LOSE THE PIPELINE CHINA IS  SO ENTRENCHED IN US DOLLARS US HOLDINGS ETC  WE SHOULD JUST GO BROKE-MAYBE NATIONALIZE EVERYTHING ESPECIALLY WALL MART GIVE THE WORK TO MEXICO TRUMP HAD THE RIGHT IDEA STARTING A TRADE WAR WITH THEM BTW MAYBE CHINA AND RUSSIA CAN INVENT THEIR OWN CURRENCY Because they are going to lose a huge financial base if they are part of the kind of autocracy the Russians want to create It takes billions of people to raise food with oxon or by hand So the back bone of thier two powers will be basically impoverished-enslaved (of sorts) illitterate peasants Then you will see Bastille Russian style O0

america, canada, declares war on pronouns. Communist and other Dictatorships declare war on humanity and basic dignity and rights WANNA PROTEST IN CHINA OR RUSSIA? Thats where you WILL see snipers and armor firing on civilians PROVOKED OR NOT  As of ruffly 2:18 PM Central The police are gradually handling the blockade on the bridge from Canada to Detroit And most all 2 or 300 protestors in the video  are moving along  IN ECONOMIC TERMS-THIS IS PROBABLY THE MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL THE CROSSINGS AFFECTING THE ENTIRE AUTO TRUCK AND EQUIPMENT INDUSTRIES ON BOTH SIDES The cops dont even have riot gear or gas masks WHERE are the snipers  BY THE WAY  ? Another fantasy sent by the far right people up there that they think all people will believe? Sure heard enough rediculous pap from some recent political leaders -WHO WOULD SAY ANYTHING-AND FIGURED PEOPLE WOULD BELIEVE WHATEVER THEY SAID THE US IS ONE OF THE WORST AFFECTED HIGHEST RATES OF COVID IN THE WORLD BETWEEN TWO AND THREE AND THE HUGE UPSWINGS ARE CONTINUALLY WHERE THE LEAST VACCINATIONS HAVE TAKEN PLACE-with the demographics of  basically less educated less informed POSSIBLY DUMBER OVERALL populents in those areas  Real basic math-over 900000 people have died here-I dont blame Canada for not wanting the spread to be brought back to that Country And if they think masks should not be worn on airplanes because it violates some selfish rights they think they deserve-at the risk of other people dying for thier ChickenSH!#$%^&*(t inconvenience I mean-HOW CAN THEY BE THAT STUPID ? -TRUMP HAS ALSO REVERSED HIS POSISTION (how many times has that happened LOL) NOW HES COME OUT AND SAID THE SAME THING I dont know if he has a conscience about how covid initially  got misshandled-or if he just doesnt want 100000-30000 of valuable constituants to die off and lose potential victory  O0


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA

Trudeau now officially a tyrant on par with Hi…(not Hillary, the other one)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Whats that got to do with the trucks or anything else?

At some point, the citizens are going to storm the bastille.

I apologize. Too obvious.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Revolution then what?Storm the Bastille? How many GED wanna bes do you know who could lead the Country and make rational decisions Actually-being an entitled cllege boy with a middle class income I seriously doubt you really know any real working people other than at clandestine events where you want to be tuff like them There are a good percentage of the ones facing time from trashing the capital that are cooperating thoroughly: there are tearful apologies, and they are very afraid OF MEETING THE REAL THING  THEY SPOUTED OFF ABOUT TAKING OVER NOT ALLOWING POOR PEOPLE TO VOTE ETC ETC NOW-THE BLOODS CRIPS Hispanic Gang members and general pops  are just waiting for a girl like them to show up in FED Prison AND SHOW HOW BAD THEY ARE    Ive heard all the cliches over and over Mean while we are on the verge of a world war and you find the possibility of trying to prevent further infections and death by simple co operation to look out for our own people just too inconvenient, and below your standards as a US Citizen Its too simple to ask if you feel lucky to be here And maybe take the time out of your own gimme gimme existence to understand how many people have died for your freedom-or for the chance to have any life choices I find that a selfish juvenile UN AMERICAN posture Why dont you go into a Soviet bloc Country and travel a little I did a little in the early 70S before the wall came down-very scary energy I also and met several escapees from the Communist nightmare when traveling They told me a few things that had gone on  O0


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
not saying what would come after some sort of conflict will have anwers.

it's just that the government keeps pushing and pushing and says everything is the people they are pushing's fault.

that won't last forever.  never has, never will.


mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Very indicative of Putin and some US politicians who:manufacture ridiculous statements while doing just the opposite right in front of everyone at the same time Hes saying the allies are threatening him after taking by military force and annexing the ports and lifeblood of that country Hes  obviously poised to take the rest with over 100000 Russians and allies near the borders on 3 sides already He will say anything-Like Biden instigated the whole thing and hes there to protect Ukraine Then deny he said it-or change sides, address the subject as entirely different- whatever Same tactic used by his buddy who ran this Country for awhile I don"t get a good feeling-It will be a wholesale massacre of thousands of hopelessly out gunned out numbered  people who have the guts to stand up the to that coward-vermin If that happens-Biden and the allies will clamp down And when the oil food etc stop-The Russians maybe along with the chinks will probably try to take out the power grids Financial Sites Etc Unless the Israelis get to them first Even that punk has the sense to be careful of stirring them up  But in the end-The next thousands of  casualties will be people who have no food He could care less-neither do the Chinese-They have plenty of bodies to spare O0


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
China has excess men due to one child policy.

Probably a new religion will be created to encourage them into battle.

Virgins in heaven or something as effective.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
mark tenenbaum said:
Maybe collect some Chinese action heroe or peoples star and sex the semen for males They arent beyond that kind of thinking at all O0

the reason for the excess males is that females were aborted or killed because males can earn more money than females for the chinese family (india as well and no outrage from feminists in america) and not because of a lag in the earning curve for time off for pregnancies or delay in advanced degrees in america, which is now reversing.

america now has similar problem, hence probably the need to incentivize illegal immigration to pay for the ponzi scheme of social security, because if there were no illegals and legal immigration, america's population would be shrinking.


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mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
AT LEAST THEY WANT TO WORK And the Hispanic immigrants (other than the bad apple gangs-cartel etc) Have gotten there real fast I"ve see them make it and their kids are going to college and also helping the family that are still stuck down there  I still think ( other than the danger and corruption) That if we shifted as much production as we could to various countries in the Americas-On this continent-where those people could make a living with out leaving And drastically reduced
two way trade China etc They would lose more than they bargained for. Especially if the rest of the civilized world decided to tell them to pound sand-which it should O0


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
mark tenenbaum said:
That if we shifted as much production as we could to various countries in the Americas-On this continent-where those people could make a living with out leaving And drastically reduced
two way trade China etc They would lose more than they bargained for. Especially if the rest of the civilized world decided to tell them to pound sand-which it should O0

strongly agree


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
Didn't mean to start all this.  Just wanted to know if the Canadian producers had noticed any ill effects.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
The world gets crazier and smaller by the day-no wonder people have a case of the nerves  People and countries are going to erupt for cause or not-or bully and exterminate the weak right in front of us And we are aware of it sometimes graphically and immediately  O0


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Never fear.......I'm on my way......with "eleven long haired friends of Jesus and a chartreuse micro bus". And Frostbite is right behind me.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
aj said:
Never fear.......I'm on my way......with "eleven long haired friends of Jesus and a chartreuse micro bus". And Frostbite is right behind me.///// SANTA KLAUS IS POWERFULL DUDE "BE CAREFULL WHAT YOU SAY AN DOO OOOOH OOOH OOH -CUZ SANTA KLAUS IS WATCHIN YOU HES EEVERYWHERE HES EVERYWHERE"  As brilliantly eloquted by Ray Stephens A virtual prophet of things to come -bordering on the visions of Nostrodamous-As the writer and performer of AHAAAAAB THE AAAARAAAAAAB CA 1961 O0


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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Canadian government (fideau) now de-banking it’s citizens.



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