There will be a advanced Kirk Stierwalt clipping and Fitting Clinic March 26-28, 2010 in Nevada, Missouri the cost of the clinic is $350. That includes meals and a place to stay. (we provide cots) or you can bring your own air mattress. We have had individuals come in the past that stay in a motel, that would be at your expense. Showers are available. You would need to bring your own towels, etc. The actual clinic will be on Saturday and Sunday and will provide more extensive clipping and fitting tips than are offered in his normal sessions. You would need to bring your own calf and equipment, if possible. This will be the 5th year that we have hosted a clinic and decided that we wanted to put on one that would be a step up from the normal. His regualr clinics are GREAT!!!! So I can only imagine what this one will be like.
KEEP IN MIND- these clinics are not open to just younger individuals, they are open to adults as well. Last year we had more adult participation in our clinic than youth.
This clinic will NOT be open to beginners!!!!!
If you would like for me to e-mail you a copy of the form that has to be notarized and returned with deposit, please e-mail me at
[email protected]. deposit is $175.00. that holds your spot in the clinic. There are 20 spots available.
Here is the information on the clinic and the form to be notarized.
Stierwalt Show Cattle School
Dates: March 26th - 28th, 2010 Specific times of arrival will not be known until closer to clinic date.
Location: Vernon County Fair Grounds, Nevada, Missouri
This clinic is what we are calling, “The Advance Clinic” designed to help you get the most out of your fitting and clipping. This clinic will include information on implants, holding and more detailed help with clipping and fitting your own animal to make them look their best.
Cost: $350.00 with a $175.00 deposit. Entire amount can be paid upfront. Any remaining balance will be collected upon arrival. The cost includes: lodging, meals, T-shirt, you will need to bring grooming supplies (such as stuff you take to a show) Deposit will be accepted until day of clinic. This is limited to the first 20 participants, so the quicker you get your deposit in, the better. Please mail Deposits and Medical / Liability Release forms to hold your spots.
Medical/Liability Release:
Each participant is required to complete a medical/liability release form that must be notarized. Please mail the release form with your deposit. This is an absolute necessity and must be completed before anyone can participate.
Equipment You need to Bring:
Suggested clipper: Andis 2 speeds beef head or hair head
Suggested blades: Super blocking, T-84, Med blending
Things you might want to bring include lights, clippers, show stick, blower, chute, adhesives, paints, adhesive removers. IF YOU WOULD TAKE IT TO THE SHOW, BRING IT
You are encouraged to bring your own animal, however, if needed other arrangements can be made, you will just need to give us plenty of time.
If you have any further questions, please give me a shout.
Dolynn Dilly 417-321-3128
Make checks out to: Nevada FFA Booster Club, Mail to: PO Box 898, Nevada, MO 64772
Please note, we should have good weather by clinic time, but be prepared to have only limited water supply. Cattle will be tied in our cattle barn. No loose stalls are available.
Our lodging consists of cots in our home ec building, you might want to bring your own if you have one. Sleeping bags, pillows, and other toiletries for showers. They are available on the grounds. IF YOU STAY IN A MOTEL THAT IS YOUR COST, and I need to know that is what you will be doing.
ALL MEALS are provided.
Stierwalt Grooming Clinics
Kirk & Juli Stierwalt Rt 2 Box 102-B Leedey, OK 73654
580-302-3009 or 580-302-3006
I will be attending the March 26 -March 28th, 2010 clinic in Nevada, Missouri.
We, the parents of ______________________________________________, (if a minor) or I
________________________________________ give our/my permission to Kirk and Juli or
A member of the Nevada FFA Booster Club to enter this individual at any hospital for any
Emergency treatment necessary.
We/ I also release Kirk & Juli Stierwalt / Vernon County , Vernon County Fair Board, Nevada
FFA Booster Club and it members from any and all liability which might occur from any illness,
injury, or accident.
Parent / Guardian or Individual Signature
Subscribed and swore to this ________________, 2010
My commission expires
Notary Public
T Shirt Size Adults M L XL XXL