Can't Honesty just be a priority?

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common sense

Well-known member
Aug 1, 2007
This may be an opportunity for somebody still looking for a couple of really nice calves! I have three calves from our Labor Day sale that the owner, Neil Ketchum of Oklahoma, can not pay for. They have been here at our farm for over a month and he has told me that he is sending the money but... ;D it never arrives.  After repeated emails, phone calls and texts I did finally reach him and he was angry that I insinuated that I was worried about getting the money. Now he has sent an text that says he can't pay me. After over 30 days one would think that he could have shared that information and been HONEST with me. My consignors, which are small local families, are still waiting and wondering when they will receive payment. It is very disappointing to me that people can be so inconsiderate when doing business. We base our program on honesty and service but when things like this happen it never ceases to let me down. We ALL have hardships and roadblocks that we have to deal with but if we are going to buy something we should make sure that we have the financial means to cover our purchases. Situations like this damage EVERYONE in this business. Now I didn't just fall off the turnip truck yesterday. I have had my fair share of hard knocks in this business. I am just getting tired of people like this and the attitude that you can just go out and buy something and then not pay for it and feel that you don't have to suffer any consequences. If you are going to do that could you at least give me a chance to reciprocate so we can all share the "fun"? Just kidding. I am not that kind of person.

So, if anyone is looking for three really nice calves that are halter broke, fat, furry and not just "county fair" prospects...give me a call! I have a Red Cool Customer heifer, a black One and Only steer and black Walks Alone heifer. Too bad Neil missed them because they are even better now than they were a month ago!!  I will post pictures later today.

Juli Nelson  712-269-6275

common sense

Well-known member
Aug 1, 2007
Here are the three calves. Lot 31: Black One and Only Steer, Lot 29: Red Cool Customer heifer, Lot 8: Walks Alone heifer.  All of these calves have really come on since the pictures were taken. The pictures were taken in mid August. The calves are really hairing up and putting on condition.


  • Lot 31 One and Only Steer.jpg
    Lot 31 One and Only Steer.jpg
    582.7 KB · Views: 225
  • Lot 29 Cool Customer heifer.jpg
    Lot 29 Cool Customer heifer.jpg
    645.3 KB · Views: 230
  • Lot 8 Walks Alone.jpg
    Lot 8 Walks Alone.jpg
    598.3 KB · Views: 211


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
All I can say, even though the buyer can't pay for them, it sure looks like he can pick them. You should not have any problem moving those 3.

Side note: I am seeing allot of One and Only's that I like.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
people want you to float them for an unlimited amount of time and get pissed when you don't.

this is part of the service you pay to have this handled by an auction company.  they can impose pre-verification, and/or a check is actually written, that when when it bounces, there is more legal avenues to pursue these people.

if you don't do the above, it is a civil matter and they count on this as it's usually more expensive to go after them.  i can guarantee you that if they get pissed, they have done it before to someone else.

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
I guess what confuses me is if you can't pay for ONE why would you bid on THREE calves? If your budget is slim I would think THREE would be stretching it. So sorry for your sellers. I hope you find homes.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
I was thinking the same thing as OH Breeder when I was reading this thread. If you can't pay for 1 calf, what would possess a person to agree to buy three of them?  I have financed quite a few people over the years, but only consider doing this if they come to me with a payment plan that works for both them and myself. I have only been stung once, but I feel that all the rest have made up for this one time. The one that sticks out the most with me, was a fellow who phoned me before one of our production sales and told me he had two large machinery payments the week of our sale. He said he was willing to pay 1/2 down and would pay the balance in 3 months. I knew this fellow well., and I knew he was honest and his word was his bond. When the sale was over, he had purchased 16 bred females. He paid 1/2 down and surprised me totally when he paid me the balance within 30 days of the sale. He made our sale a success as he bid on a pile of cattle, and he was paid in full before any of the billed sales proceeds came in. 

I reallly like the looks of your calves. I expect there are still people looking for quality calves so I hope you are able to sell them quickly. Good luck!


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2008
Very nice looking calves , you shouldn't have any trouble getting them sold !

Pleasant Grove Farms

Well-known member
Sep 19, 2011
don't you just think some pple enjoy the drama, the excitement of bidding and buying?  it is like the pple that run up their credit cards to the limit; that write bad
checks; maybe they WISH they buy the calf so they do with no real plan to pay for it.  Or there are a few, I think, that know exactly what they are doing and intend to steal them, those pple think they are just smarter than the rest of us and won't get caught.  it is a behavioral problem that has not been dealt with in their own personal lives and it causes damage in their lives and in others.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
Just like it is much easier to be "nasty" to one another on a message board than face to face, it's much easier for people to get the nerve to try to rip someone off if they don't have to look them in the eye.  Some people follow the "if you are going to tell a lie, tell a big one" policy.  As a seller, you are much more reluctant to pull the plug on the sale of one calf than you are three.  

In any business, relationships are more important than ever before - for both buyer and seller.  It will be interesting to see how the internet sale concept works out long term, for all involved.

I hope you get the calves moved for decent money.  Should still be plenty of time.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
amazing how people have no self-worth and do this.  Amazing how I've seen ads in magazines with this last name Juli, not sure if its the same one, but I know I will  never go look at a calf there in the future.  Wonder if they paid for there ads?


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2010
please send me information on the lot 31 steer DOB, location, more pick and price if you have it.

common sense

Well-known member
Aug 1, 2007
This is what the calves sold for on Labor day:  $2000 - Lot 31 steer  $1600 - Lot 29 red heifer  $1700 - Lot 8 heifer.  Please feel free to look at our website for the video of these calves. that would be at , click on the link to Club Calf Paradise.  It will have  all of the pertinent information including b.dates etc. Thank you so much for your interest and phone calls! Like I said, I know these calves are probably worth more now and I also have another 40 days of feed in them but I am doing the right thing and offering them for what they originally sold for.