I attended the Cattlemen's Congress and asked both cattle exhibitors, sales managers and commercial exhibitors there opinion on NWSS and OKC. There was some reminiscing about the tradition of the NWSS, but cattle exhibitors were over 85% stay in OKC. Considerably less expensive (no bedding fees, cheaper hotels, no parking fees, no admission fees, shorter distance between hotels and grounds), easier to get in and out of grounds and barns, can park closer to the barns, more actual cattle producers viewing and buying their cattle, and breed sales for some breeds set records in OKC. It is easier to get live lots for the breed sales in OKC.
They would like to see some improvements in electrical (lots of cords to cross) cattle are a little more spread out and isolated due to the concreter dividers. Feel like OKC staff is more welcoming and accommodating. Feel like staff will try to improve conditions. Also, OKC has announced they have state approval to build a new cattle facility on the fairgrounds.
Commercial exhibitors stated that they are not likely to return to Denver. More actual cattle producers in OKC, which resulted in better business traffic. Over 50% less in the cost to be there.