I don't usually try to self promote a bull tthat I raised unless I feel he is being left out , the Muddy Water bull deserves some consideration if your looking
for a SMOKE bull . Disposition on this bull and about 15 full sibs is ''IT just don't get any better ;;;;; structure ,hair ,and thickness also very good ++++
His mother is with out a doubt one of the great Charolais cows around ,she has a purebred bull or two that people will also be hearing more about ....
If ever in our area ,north central Ne, this summer around ROSE,NE. DO STOP IN ... THE MOTHER cow has just dropped -- MONOPOLOY (((( 3-BULLS
-2-HEIFERS ----CARNAC -2-BULLS -1 -HEIFER and could be more ))) The Carnac are full brothers to Muddy Water and you know what MONOPOLY does with a good cow ....WILL BE NO PICTURES OF MY ET CALVES PUT ON SP TILL JUST BEFORE THE SALE ..