Thanks for the replies. This is our first do it yourself website and we really didn't know what we were doing or how to do it. There are still some things we will be adding and "tweaking" as we go along and learn more about it.
Yes, I will get some cattle pictures taken and posted. We have been wet, wet, wet all spring and so far this summer, so when we did get a dry day along the way it was used for more pressing things. We have had almost a week of dry weather and have been making hay like there was no tommorrow. I have the last 30 acres of alfalfa down now and if we can dodge a few more rains tonight maybe I will get it up tommorrow.
The Walkerton 10W calves are "heaters" especially considering they are all out of first calf heifers. Right now they will run with the calves out of any of the mature cows we have and are in the top 10% of calves from one end to the other. Very uniform and very good set of calves out of a diverse set of heifers.
I'll also put up some pictures of the new herd bulls. They have all been out brteeding cows so you will have to look at them in their working cloths.
Thanks again!