BCCC -- are you absolutely possitive your A-I man ""GAVE"" you 2 canes of Chill Factor???
I am not doubting your word there guy, but if he actually did give it to you -- yo umight want to go give hima giant hig -- CF is long dead and at last check -- he is 50.00 per unit! You just got 1,000 worth of semen if that is the case!
Use him with diligence, there are alot of great -- and I mean GREAT, females around from him. He is really strong on Cunia being from Cold Front and out of a Cunia dam as well, so watch what you breed him too or you will get some monkey's from him, plus they can be really straight too!
Nice hfr -- take care of her, our CF calves were never over 90 pounds -- but could be if used and fed wrong!